Being a mod or admin is intolerable, and this community is at a high risk of dying

I would take it very seriously. As far as if I get in an argument with someone about like a political issue? I would never, ever moderate anyone in an argument I’m actually part of. If I think they’re out of line enough, I would PM the other mods to see if they think they should take action.

And if anyone thinks I’m out of line in any argument they can either kick it up to the Pontifex Maximus or the other moderators. And if they tell me to knock it off, I would.


Like I said, I’d tell them to knock it off. If they didn’t there would probably be timeouts, stuff like what microbet did. I’m not sure what you want, like you want me to give edicts of what I would do in such and such a situation? Quote some posts and I’ll tell you what I would have done.

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It really is an eye opener to see this class of people who seem to care so much about mods/modding decisions. I don’t care if they’re technically right or wrong, they’re annoying as hell and bring this whole place down.


I think you are legitimately the only poster who is genuinely in category 4.

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There is only one user in that thread who is trolling and that’s d2_e4. The fact that every other user’s concern is belittled is not helping.


No, he isn’t Jman, and you shouldn’t even be commenting on this because of your past behavior with regards to the principal participants. It’s better when you just toss in memes because it easier for people to see that you are just shit posting when it comes to Jal and the other folks from whatever the UK is called now.


Some mods want to mod forever. Even though it’s a terrible thankless job and nobody appreciates them and they don’t get paid and it’s not their job.

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Wasn’t jman the mod on exiled who almost made Oreo quit when he deleted one of his posts (about Matt’s S’s mom), then himself had a mod fit when he was told he was wrong?

Sorry if I got him confused with someone else

“This job sucks people are ungrateful”
“I’ll do it”
“No that’s socialism!”


What if I told you that some of them are mods?

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No that was me, gg lost his shit when I removed a post that was negative about Mat. At the time we were trying to stay on good terms with 22 because it seemed like a good idea at the time. I stopped modding because there was no support for my action or judgement.

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ugh i will but would you consider waiting like a week to think about it



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What in this thread made you feel this way? All i read here is one group saying they feel like they are treated wrongly and want to be a part of the community.

This is so weird to read from what i consider my unbiased position.

Like not only have i never said the c-word in my life, i like all 3 mods in question more as posters than i like the “other side”.


This is really unfortunate and a big loss, just gonna say that.

This isn’t directed at you but I’m more than a little irritated right now.


I think mods are human. I think wookie has been a great mod over the years and is less biased than most are capable of. I think he currently has a blind spot for this entire situation and could benefit from stepping back and thinking about it.

I think Skydiver made a mistake because she was angry, and particularly angry with jal. But she has refused to engage with anybody that has pointed out the problem with threatening to ban somebody for behavior that was voted on and deemed acceptable by the community.

As far as your questions: I can sum it all up by saying that I don’t want to be a mod because I would be a terrible mod. I get pissed off and make rash decisions, and would end up having to undo a bunch of stuff and make a bunch of apologies.


Damn you for making that edit!

I mean, I’m sure we are on the same page when it comes to nodding as well. I’m of the nicholsonnodding.gif type

Jbro, why do you care so much about each modding decision?


I’m grunching a bit, but the past couple of months have felt like we’re a tech company pandering to conservative complaints about bias. There has to be a better solution than to reshape this community in the image of its most angry participants.