Bailout / Stimulus Discussion (Hints Missed & Shartz Fired)

This can’t mean what I believe it to mean right?

Edit: apparently they are voting tonight and next vote on anything won’t be until then.

Pretty much everything Bernie says is so obvious. Listened to Chomsky on podcast the other day and multiple times he says “this isn’t hard stuff if you think critically” or “this is obvious.”

But apparently it’s not obvious for USA.

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I heard this guy is running for president.

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Holy shit Bernie. Hot fire. He is bringing it.

Joe Biden was asked for a response to the bill. He hasnt given us one yet although he has been staring at us the whole time.


Anybody know what the ruckus on the floor is all about?


Sigh. Who’s up for a reading?


Literally at the top of the first page: “To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to repeal the excise tax on high cost employer-sponsored health coverage.”

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The rebate stuff starts on page 144 of that cnn document.

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The Dems that Bernie is directly fighting for probably voted 60/40 for Biden.


Fuck masks and ventilators. Get me some Bernie and AOC DNA and I’ll figure out a way to start turning out clones in big numbers. Only shot we got.


Senate passed it. House to vote Friday.

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You’d get more news coverage than Bernie will get for that speech.

Called the unemployment office for Washington state and hit the button to connect to an operator as soon as my phone switched to 8 o clock (the time when they open the phone lines to operators.)

It is now 8:53. I am still on hold.

I would normally just do everything online, but since my circumstances are fairly unique (Quit a job to take another job that I had an offer letter from that was withdrawn prior to starting) I need to make sure I fill out everything perfectly to prevent delays.

This is going to be bad for a lot of people. If you don’t get on line as soon as the phone lines open, you won’t get on all day. I tried calling multiple times throughout the day yesterday and received “All circuts are currently busy, try your call at another time” messages.

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MN is asking everyone to file for unemployment through their website unless you don’t have internet or speak a language that the site isn’t available in (think they have the site translated in Spanish, Hmong and Somali)

Finally got my call answered at 9:15. It appears everything is a go after an adjudication period (could take weeks with backlog) so hopefully we are ok til then.