Are people who served in the military culpable for their actions?

Sure, everybody’s reaction to you is always about our prejudices, never about your shitposting. Ok.


Thank you for this. I’m sure most people will skim over this and not think twice about it.

The lack of empathy some posters on this board have for others disappoints me at times. But then I remember they are subject to propaganda too.


Maybe you think she’s cool because she’s a female scientist, like you, which is fine. But militaries are (arguably) at best a necessary evil, and glorifying them and glamorising their weapons can never be cool.

And what you read wasn’t the OP - the actual OP, which was her AMA post, was split by a mod to give my post the appearance of an ad hoc attack, hence the edit.


Were medieval instruments of torture cool?

How about the boats? Pretty clever idea, huh?

Einstein didn’t find the creation of the atom bomb cool, he found it horrifying even if he did urge its creation (later recanted).

This is ponderous. At best, the response to sky’s post is little more than a typical and tiresome loaded question. Whatever germ of an idea buried in the snark that may be worthy of discussion should be ignored whenever they come buried in a personal attack.


None of those things you listed as finding cool are specifically designed to kill people. Neither is alcohol.

Dont know if we can blame the science bros for this one, it sounds like the poets invented it.

You didn’t read the thread but you know skydiver doesn’t have a single post? lol ok

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I mean - she posted a troll image itt of troop transporter and reconaissance planes lol. They might not be the final devices that deliver the bullet into the 2 year old’s brain, but they locate her house and get the person with the gun to the right place.

Cool pics sky!

Are you all in favor of putting teenage delinquents in prison for life? Because it sure seems like we are pretty excited about lifelong crucification for decisions made in adolescence.

The MIC is a straight-up abomination, but the vast majority of enlisted are its victims - not its enablers.

And skydiver actually does have a post. A troll post at that.

I assume that’s rhetorical because I’ve nowhere said anything like that.

Trauma and guilt are much too high a price to pay for an adolescent enlisting for Iraq eg, but to pretend it’s not a horribly bad decision is skirting a major part of the issue, which is education and parenting.

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You can tell how strong the propaganda is with all these false equivalencies and strawmen being thrown around.


Not only are you not allowed to question anybody in the military, if you don’t smother their asses with kisses and gratitude all the knives come out. I guess we do need them on that wall.


Saying anything bad about the US military here gets the same reaction as if you’d called the Superbowl an overblown borefest.

Fucking nationalists, patriots and xenophobes everywhere.

Editing titles is fun when it’s fun, but it just sucks to plaster someone else’s name up there in a non-fun way.

It would get the same reaction: general agreement.


It sucks even more when someone excises some posts in such a way to make it look as though you’ve decided to attack a poster for no reason.

At least the title can be edited by most people.

From you maybe.

I could be mistaken, but haven’t you defended 57onRed?