Are people who served in the military culpable for their actions?

I’ve never done a poll before here, let’s see how it goes:

Is The Super Bowl an Overblown Snorefest?
  • Yes
  • No
  • Bastard

0 voters

I mean, I think you’d get general agreement from people that US military’s current interventions around the globe are not good. Certainly no one defends Trump’s foreign policy (well except for me when I say hey pulling out of Syria and talking to North Korea seems pretty good). And most here I think felt the same about Obama and his drone war and the various escapades around the middle east.

Can you not edit your post? If not, I’ll be happy to add a note at least if I can.

Eta: Seems as though you did edit it.

Nobody is talking about lifelong crucification. If I met a grown ass adult who talked about how proud they are of their time committing petty crimes as a teenager, I’d rightfully point out that what they did is nothing to be proud of.


lol not for the military angle, no.

I did but I shouldn’t have to. Sky’s post inviting an AMA (that turned out to be an Ask Me Anything As Long As It’s Not Too Awkward For Me) should be the OP here.


Is there a multi-trillion dollar industry that indoctrinates teenagers into committing petty crimes (while convincing them they are doing good), puts them through a meat grinder, and then abandons them into a lifetime of PTSD? Because otherwise this analogy is pretty mediocre.

I’m probably more pissed off at the military than most because I’ve seen what it does to its enlistees/victims (and their families… and their children), but my anger is almost entirely for the top of the ladder.

It was your analogy dude.

Your reversed, simplified, strawmanned position is very different from my original analogy and I know you’re smart enough to recognize that.

Have fun with this thread, I suppose. But I do think we’re better off sending our anger toward billionaire enablers vs. chastising PTSD-crippled military veterans for mistakes they were manipulated into.

Who is at the top of the ladder? The recruiting system obviously sucks. The generals? They are also following orders. The POTUS? All of them. Sure.

But, a lot more adults are making the conditions such that the teenager feels like enlisting is a good thing. That’s not just the people who arrange for jets to fly over football games, but all the people who stand, and especially the people who threaten to punch jbro for not standing. I get that we don’t want to make people who sacrificed feel bad, but the parades make more people follow their path.

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They are part of it, but markets are full of non-billionares.

Divest from war contractors imo even if that means you can’t buy Vanguard index funds.

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So, “saying anything bad about the US military” = shitting on a forum member due to her service?


ITT we learn yet again that those calling out Jal’s assholery are the real racists.


Between this and the I am a renowned psychologist nonsense you’re a bit of an all round bell end flag waving second lifer, aren’t you?

Two more Trumpy arseholey nationalists on ignore.

Why are you lying, you weasel? I challenge you to find one post where I used my position as a psychologist to shit on another poster’s opinions.

To be clear, this is exactly what you did.


lol, sure. A bug. We all believe you buddy.

This is a really weird thread.

“It’s a mistake to serve in the military.”
“You can’t say that! Sky’s a popular poster!”



As usual they’re mostly arguing against the poster, not the content.

You can’t say that about the US military even if we agree with you, Euro trash!


It gets easier and easier to see how Trump won in 2016.