Are people who served in the military culpable for their actions?

Yeah, the people asking me for money I mention are ones I didn’t know. Like not even semi regs, people id never seen before. Have no problem loaning to regs/friends.

We used to have 2 rooms in our city, one downtown that used to get a ton of people buying in for 50 at 1/2 that had no idea what the game was, but that room closed ~3 years ago.

The derail started with an attack on skydiver, but if it weren’t for people defending her in this thread no one would even know that she had anything to do with it. It would be exactly that philosophical discussion about the culpability of those who served.

So the defense of jalfrezi’s attack on skydiver is that we should have all ignored it and it wouldn’t be a big deal?

What snoreo said. Some people just want this thread to be about jalfrezi and skydiver and some people…well, you know, people vs events vs ideas.


While we’re doing meta, I’ll just state this as a fact from on high and slink away. People on their 102nd Pete drive-by are so plainly trolling and beyond tedious and should have been moderated appropriately 95 drive-bys ago. Every thread with a gratuitous Pete drive-by is like a CIA coup against my brain cells.


In general I find this behavior really weird. When I first met 2p2ers in Vegas or PCA or some shit a billion years ago I got serious shook faces on some of my ‘jokes’ and i remember some dude saying I’m the only guy he met that is meaner IRL than on the internet. I was legit surprised at the time, but I get it after living here for a while.

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You responded to me responding to Jbro responding to Jman.

To summarize/paraphrase:

Jman: jalfrezi is a terrible poster

JBro: How is this not a valid question?

Me: Jalfrezi wasn’t asking it as a valid question, it’s not like he just started a topic to discuss this, it was an intentional attack on skydiver. The discussion would be fine otherwise.

You: If it weren’t for people defending skydiver, this would be a good philosophical discussion.

I mean, yeah, that’s pretty much what I just said, except I’m directing the blame at the out of line attack, not the responses to it.

If jalfrezi wanted a philosophical discussion of the topic at hand, he could have started a thread or asked skydiver the question in a reasonable way. She probably would have answered, is my guess.



It’s all meta…

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Always was.


This seems like the same issue of whether we should be angry at individuals who don’t wear masks for covid. If people who join the military are only acting out the ideas, beliefs, path, given to them through life, people’s choices regarding masks would seem the same.

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Wait this wasn’t a legit thread?

Excised from another one I guess?

This was a response to skydiver’s AMA about the military, which was conveniently lost by the mod or admin when it was excised into this thread, probably to make it look as though I was initiating an attack on a popular poster.

I could and should have taken more care over how I phrased the question. I like skydiver. She seems like a nice person, which makes her infatuation with a malignant and bloodthirsty organisation like the US military hard to understand.

But ultimately the constant veneration of the military on what claims to be a progressive forum is pretty sickening given what’s happened in the ME and Far East over the past decades.

I suggest the mindsets of people here who are perfectly ok with it are so compromised by patriotism/nationalism that they are in fact part of the problem in the US, and are a large part of the answer to the question of how Trump got 70 million people to vote for him after four years of sustained brutality against some of his own people that people here keep expressing confusion about.

If someone signs up for any country’s military at 17 and goes through some horror abroad they have every sympathy from me, assuming they regret it.

That’s obviously not the case with ex-military people who want to glorify the military and to post military hardware fetish porn to own the libs.

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There’s a bug in the ignore function here that means sometimes I see this creep posting about me:

The biggest raging asshole here wouldn’t be someone raising valid points about glorification of the US military; it would probably be the guy who got called out for claiming liberal credentials while sending disproportionate numbers of brown people to jail for $$$$, who can’t forget it and a year later is still waging a war to get me banned. Pathetic.

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I mean there are numerous false equivalences being posted here.

Also, it’s not one thing or the other, a straight choice between condemnation and exoneration.

If you sign up and are told to enter a house and kill all the occupants no matter who or how old they are you have to take some responsibility for your actions, even if you do deserve sympathy for having been put in that position at a young age.

It’s disturbing that people nominally on the “left” enjoy glorifying a military that repeatedly does this to people (the victims and the soldier).


So you’re now assuming that the typical soldier is a mindless war criminal?

This place really begins to stink when no one remembers to take out the Euro trash.

Big lols at defending ‘not all soldiers’ by casually showing (again) your attitude to the people of an entire continent.


I said earlier that too many in this forum are compromised by patriotism/nationalism.

My bad.

I should have included xenophobia too.

You got the president you deserved.

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I feel like so many of your posts in threads are saging you haven’t read the thread in which you are posting. I am giving you credit for good intentions but it can detract from the conversation/debate.


Some might argue that actively helping to carpet bomb the Middle East is actually worse than cheering for it.

Regardless, I don’t think this thread is about Skydiver specifically.