All-time GOAT TV Series

Flight of the Conchords


The Prisoner

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Seinfeld I agree with because the show becomes obsolete once smart phones are out.

But MASH is fantastic and still relevant. Hell, Frank Burns is basically the medical version of Donald Trump and the GOP. He even calls his wife “Mother” a la Mike Pence.

It’s also a very progressive show that discusses topics like homosexuality, the military industrial complex, poverty, etc. There’s even an episode that correctly points out the American bullshit idea that we have the greatest country on Earth.


Anyone who thinks MASH doesn’t hold up today is basing it on the main title.


Maybe i need to give it another shot.

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That reminds me:

The Thick of it

British politics comedy which afaik inspired Veep. If you politics junkies haven’t seen it yet you should get into that imo.


We’re really going to get together and somehow underrate The Sopranos, aren’t we?

I already listed it and quite agree

Yes, to me Jean Luc Picard is the epitome of what’s great about Star Trek, Patrick Stewart did it the best


The only thing this thread is telling me is that not enough of you have watched Justified.


It was already listed

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It’s in my top 10 all-time, but not a serious GOAT contender. But neither are many of the other shows mentioned already, so.

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It’s definitely in my top 15 maybe higher

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Stranger Things

is the only one I haven’t seen yet I’d like to see in this

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I mean i have it #1 overall but it wouldn’t shock me.

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Justified was one I couldn’t make it through S2 in like 3 attempts. Not real sure what it is about it but I honestly found it boring somehow. It’s one of the few well reviewed serial shows of the last 25 years I can say that about and haven’t finished it all. Somehow Downton Abbey was enough for me to finish but that one isn’t. I have the same problem with The Americans.

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However, I have more faith in UP on TV than I do on pie and sandwiches.

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I dunno the tv theme song one was prettay prettay bad.

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True, but music is different.

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On something like this it’s going to show a major reason why democracy sucks. Everyone gets one vote but a majority of people won’t have watched 80% of the top tier shows and think King of Queens is a banger.

Odds of coming to anything resembling a true GOAT is close to 0

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