All-time GOAT TV Series

Once we can figure out how to get past the uncanny valley, we no longer need pesky human actors with their opinions and agents and what not. SAG may have already addressed that in a previous strike but it is a big concern for them. I’m not sure how much money it would take to get someone to give up the rights to their likeness instead of making the studios pay as you go, but I’d imagine it would need to be a lot.

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There aren’t that many professions that are all that exciting and lend themselves to episodic television. They even tried to glamorize typing to try and make hackers cool because there are so few other options. Medical stuff; each episode a new case. Lawyers; each episode a new case. Police; each episode a new opportunity to normalize violating civil rights. Fire; each episode a new fire. News/TV production; each episode another self referential new episode. Military; each episode a new battle. And Crims; each episode a new caper.

No one wants to see the adventures of Skippy, Boy-Accountant.


It’s like you didn’t even watch Parks and Recreation

As if we all didn’t watch a show about people selling paper.

Yeah, I was thinking about adding 30-Something to the list but figured I’m already pegged as an old. Office comedies can work when you have good writers, but they are the exception because the office rarely gives them any assistance in coming up with the stories for episodes so they turn into soap operas once the ideas run out. They are the exception that proves the rule.

It’s pretty bad you aren’t missing out

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I think you’re basically right. Ozark is amazing because of the constant threat of death. However it did remind me of this testimony Fred Rogers gave to Congress a long time ago

We deal with such things as – as the inner drama of childhood. We don’t have to bop somebody over the head to…make drama on the screen. We deal with such things as getting a haircut, or the feelings about brothers and sisters, and the kind of anger that arises in simple family situations. And we speak to it constructively.


60 Minutes is still watchable most weeks

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Something I’ve long thought as well.


I think most of my favorite shows aren’t centered around a profession, so that’s the solution imo. And better call Saul was pretty lawyer heavy at times, but certainly made it work!


Is this ironic? If not i suspect most of the forum vehemently disagree with you.

The Final Four have arrived!

  • The Simpsons
  • The Sopranos
0 voters
  • The Wire
  • It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia
0 voters
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There is a new ape musical based on the life of some British pop star Robbie something or other. It looks insane.

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Always was a south park > Simpsons


Really not sure about my wire always sunny vote.


Same here. I could have went either way.

I kinda hated this competition but don’t hate the final four. All worthy of their dominance. Gotta give it to the longevity here and go Simpsons/Sunny. If I only had one show in each vote to watch for the rest of my life it’s those two.

Simpsons/Wire is a worthy finale