All-time GOAT TV Series

This guy CBSs


Counterpoint: Number of Incredible seasons total. So even with Simpsons losing 75 to 5 in total watchability, they still crush GOT 7-5.

If you can put up ANY series that produced 165 CONSECUTIVE episodes of all time great television, then I’d say you have an argument.

GOT put up roughly 50 pretty good episodes. It isn’t even close.

an entire quarter of the GOT canon is pure, abject garbage, holy shit.

Have you really memory holed seasons 7 and 8 that badly?

i’d call it underwhelming. i tried watching simpsons, maybe once a year i’ll try a new episode and it’s honestly painful. there are no jokes, there’s no point to it


The most distracting current voice is Kavner. Her doing Marge sounds like her doing Grandma Bouvier in season 1.

It’s complicated though, right?

Nothing beats the first 4 season run, imo.

It also has the nostalgia of being the last societal group watch. Thinking about how the world felt when we were still clamoring for GOT eps is instant depression.


The main character turns into a genocidal maniac because her friend died, the main villain (who we saw like, once a season maybe) was stabbed once with a tiny dagger and exploded. The entire dumbass tribe of characters teleported to the south to meet with the most clearly evil character and let her convince them to teleport to the north to get a zombie in a box, subsequently delivering a dragon to the main villain who ultimately DIDNT EVEN USE THE FUCKING DRAGON FOR ANYTHING.

The character who was on the road for the best redemption arc said “ah, nah, fuck, I need to go die with my incest sister who hates me and is fucking a pirate” FOR NO REASON.

Jesus christ

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The Simpsons has literally introduced many words, sayings, and styles of parody to our collective lexicon. It is quoted ad nauseum nearly 35 years later.

You say nothing beats the first four seasons, I say seasons 5-7 of the Simpsons (32 more episodes than that 4 season GOT run btw) kicks its ass every day and twice on Sunday.



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These Birch Barlow clips are still relevant today 30 YEARS LATER

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Well now you’re sounding like me talking about Samurai Champloo lol.

I will admit, I’m Futurama over the Simpsons because I didn’t really watch it during it’s golden years.

It’s why I always try to watch genre in chronological order but it doesn’t always happen and sometimes it’s tough to go back.


you want to talk about still relevant 30 years later…


Yes Bart. There there. There there. [cut]


GOT after season one was half-written by a random number generator and nothing will convince me otherwise.

GOT first 6 seasons were elite. The last 2 seasons were rough. The last episode has to be one of the all time worst finales in history.


Lost has the #1 spot locked, but I’d agree that GOT is a contender for runner-up.

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I thought the second to last episode was FAR worse than the finale.

I didn’t think the final episode was actually that terrible given what had already happened that season. But maybe I had already mentally checked out.

But I mean, who has a better story than Bran?



that was for script writing AND voices? the voice actor could like, sign off or whatever on them using his voice in perpetuity couldn’t they?