Afghanistan Wars: The Taliban Strikes Back.

grunching: is it “they went there”?

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Any article focusing on tactics (literally 99% of articles) is harmful because the implication is tactics matter. They don’t. All the attention should be on the assholes who got us into this by establishing a mission beyond “kill actual terrorists.”

The Morning Joe neocons who pretend they’re democrats (or is there a difference?) are certain at this point that this is the thing that will give us House Speaker Mike McCarthy. “I’m really worried for the Democrats” -Donnie Dutch, not two hours ago. (And all while duly noting that 75% of the US wanted/wants US out of Afghanistan)

The entire country is either on fire :fire: literally or figuratively with Covid and GOP is actively killing people especially kids and even the Dem-adjacent media is all-in on LOOK OVER THERE AT AFGHANISTAN!!! Rachel Maddow has devoted every show (so far) to it since last week at least.

It beats all I’ve ever seen.

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There is no better topic for exposing the toxic nature of the media than forever wars. Cheerlead into them, publish and amplify lies, then even after it turns out to be an unmitigated, highly fatal disaster, parade the same assholes whose lies you published out to inform the audience while doing absolutely zero introspection of any kind. The only necessary “analysis” is always how Democrats are pussies and they’ll lose votes because of it. Empirical content optional.


In private interviews, as well as in informal discussions with Afghan politicians, some Taliban figures leave the impression that the group still sees itself as a government forced into exile. What they want is the return of their Emirate with a more open embrace that shares power, but not a renegotiation of the fundamentals of how they view power.

“What they are saying to Americans is this: You have accepted Saudi Arabia, and we won’t do more than their basic code — retribution for murder, chop off the hand for robbing,” Mr. Shinwari said. “If you have accepted Saudi, what’s wrong with us being another? The rest will be your priorities: aid, friendship, economic relations.”

At least the Taliban are advanced in trolling

Some of you may be familiar with CoasterDad from the Floyd thread. Here’s another instance where he was incredibly spot on.

A few days after 9/11/01 he said “kids, get in the car, we’re going to Washington D.C.”. You see, the toll roads were not charging tolls in the aftermath of the attacks, and he knew the city would be mostly empty because everyone was still in shock and terrified that more attacks were coming. We enjoyed seeing the monuments, going to a completely empty Six Flags America, and camping at a completely empty campground. We spent much of the trip discussing the state of the world and why America had been targeted.

About a week after 9/11 we were standing in the field across from the still smoldering Pentagon. It is an image that is forever burned in my memory. My dad said “this was a terrible tragedy, but what comes next will be far worse. The US will use this as an excuse to invade Afghanistan, Iraq, and maybe other countries. We will start an unwinnable war that will last a generation. We will spend trillions of dollars to kill innocent brown people in the name of revenge while trying to force democracy into these countries. Ultimately it will be a failed war because the people of Afghanistan don’t want us there, and this will just create more hatred towards the US as we kill their kids.”

Some guy neaby had a large radio tuned in to the news. We heard the breaking story that the US approved an invasion into Afghanistan (I think?). CoasterDad said “kids, now would be a good time to head home.”

It’s a conversation I’ve never forgotten. Seeing it play out exactly how he told me it would 20 years ago has been…something. Sad? Scary? Pathetic? If a random boomer window salesman from New Jersey could predict this so accurately, what the fuck was our government doing thinking this would be a success? I know, I know, it was a success for the corporate interests and military industries. But fuck if this entire disaster wasn’t completely avoidable.

And of course seeing the Republicans flip this as being entirely on the Dems is going to be beyond infuriating, because it will work.


This currently ongoing evacuation continues totally by the grace of the Taliban, right? They wouldn’t even need to take the airport; a little shelling of the runway and it’s over, no?

Germany at least secured their most valuable assets weeks ago:

According to a report from the German news magazine Der Spiegel , about 20,000 liters of beer, as well as 340 bottles of wine and Sekt (sparkling wine), and an unknown amount of shandy have to come back to Germany.

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Wait Germany has an army? And they’re not only in Afghanistan, but staying in Afghanistan after we leave? WAT

no not staying lol

Someone had to be the speed bump when the Soviets rolled through the Fulda Gap. Germany has a very capable Army. They even design their own tanks instead of buying them from the US.

CHAOS!! Definitely not clicking the link.

That is so shady.

‘stop=end’ is such a vague way to let people know how to stop receiving those messages.

I wouldn’t say that, they have zero interest in getting into a shooting war with the US when they’re leaving

The US should leave some Americans to act as human shields while they evacuate non-Americans.


Very much this. I strongly doubt the Taliban want America to reverse course and go back to fighting.

Taliban can’t help but remind me of this

TIL, Toby Keith supported Obama before switching Trump.

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well we’re not gonna just sit there and do nothing when people fly planes into our towers so someone was gonna get invaded.

Of course rumsfeld and bush both rejected taliban surrender proposals. Bush even rejected them offering up bin laden. Could’ve been done and gone in a few years. (of course by now who knows what happens but at least it’s not this I guess)

A bunch of career gov’t/military/intelligence/whoever else people who should be fired over this but probably won’t. I remember they had a map in the WH dividing Iraq territory for oil companies and nothing happened so obviously it won’t.

Abso - fucking - lutely!

Also not ever happening
Not ever, ever happening.
Not ever, ever, ever, cos too many browns