Afghanistan Wars: The Taliban Strikes Back.

I’m too lazy to go look this up, but I vaguely recall a podcast episode about how the Afghanistan war basically helped spread Al Qaeda’s influence across more countries in areas like Yemen.

From everything I’ve read the rank and file of Al Queda, Taliban, ISIS, and anyone else move around from group to group without much friction.

In Afghanistan fighters switch sides between warlords and even between warlords and the Taliban all the time. It’s absolutely not a big deal to be shooting at a guy one day and lining up beside him the next. Loyalty to anything other than family and clan just isn’t a thing in Afghanistan.

@goreo do we know what’s wrong with link previews?

I think you mean rich twitter onebox embeds. Either a change to the twitter api that discourse needs to patch, or a problem with our twitter developer account authentication codes. Don’t see any complaints on the discouse site so it’s probably on our end


Ok I thought it was all link previews for some reason.

test. yeah just twitter. Probably facebook and instagram too because they decided to make everyone create new developer accounts or at least set everything up differently, so I wasn’t going to bother with that, because fuck facebook


I think we should just let Iran have a nuclear program.

Hopefully we’ll look within for the regime change. In 5 years the country will probably be fully run by conservatives.

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i’m not giving you a heart for that.

Don’t blame you. I edited it slightly so it doesn’t appear that I’m actually rooting for conservative rulers in America.

Btw when I just post stuff w/o comment it doesn’t mean I’m buying it hook, line and sinker. Just sharing it.

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I don’t feel like searching everywhere we have troops in combat. You know things pop up every once in a while like we were in combat in Chad or Niger or something not too long ago. We are still dropping bombs in Syria and Iraq of course. The AUMF for the war on terror will never expire.

eta: also the stuff that other people posted

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Holy shit.



I watched Hornet’s Next again while playing drums and I was talking about the wrong documentary lol. Hornet’s Nest is good and sad but was talking about Restrepo. My bad.

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In a few years, the Taliban will be the new Hungary.

One war (Iraq) motivating the largest anti war protests in history while another (Afghanistan) didn’t even come close is a good indication of the difference in support those both had.

no those two things are not remotely similar

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Does Utah welcome refugees with the hope of converting them to Mormonism?

No. I’m sure it happens but there’s no overt proselytizing. I know a few refugee families. One was sponsored by a devout Mormon family that helped them find a Southern Baptist church.