Afghanistan Wars: The Taliban Strikes Back.

Wait Germany has an army? And they’re not only in Afghanistan, but staying in Afghanistan after we leave? WAT

no not staying lol

Someone had to be the speed bump when the Soviets rolled through the Fulda Gap. Germany has a very capable Army. They even design their own tanks instead of buying them from the US.

CHAOS!! Definitely not clicking the link.

That is so shady.

‘stop=end’ is such a vague way to let people know how to stop receiving those messages.

I wouldn’t say that, they have zero interest in getting into a shooting war with the US when they’re leaving

The US should leave some Americans to act as human shields while they evacuate non-Americans.


Very much this. I strongly doubt the Taliban want America to reverse course and go back to fighting.

Taliban can’t help but remind me of this

TIL, Toby Keith supported Obama before switching Trump.

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well we’re not gonna just sit there and do nothing when people fly planes into our towers so someone was gonna get invaded.

Of course rumsfeld and bush both rejected taliban surrender proposals. Bush even rejected them offering up bin laden. Could’ve been done and gone in a few years. (of course by now who knows what happens but at least it’s not this I guess)

A bunch of career gov’t/military/intelligence/whoever else people who should be fired over this but probably won’t. I remember they had a map in the WH dividing Iraq territory for oil companies and nothing happened so obviously it won’t.

Abso - fucking - lutely!

Also not ever happening
Not ever, ever happening.
Not ever, ever, ever, cos too many browns

My guess is that your dad didn’t desperately need for war to be a good idea in order to feel like his life wasn’t a complete failure. Donald Rumsfeld types devoted their entire lives to the idea that fighting wars is a net positive, and they built up a self image that they were the only people smart enough and mature enough and tough enough to give the order, and that all these namby pamby anti-war losers were inherently inferior men. Self delusion is a hell of a drug, and people will convince themselves that all kinds of obviously wrong things are true to protect their precious self images. Look at the whole establishment Democratic party now. Is their belief in bipartisanship any less ridiculous than Neocon beliefs in the liberating power of wars in the Middle East?


Australia has announced a one time intake of 3,000 Afghan refugees. Doesn’t seem like much but it’s something I guess.


I mean isn’t that more than America? Lol. Last I heard we were doing 2500. Fucking pathetic

The US has become considerably less welcoming to refugees overall. Maybe we open up a bit more to folks from Afghanistan b/c we feel more responsible for their situation, but I don’t think we’re looking at big numbers.

in fiscal year (FY) 2020, the United States resettled fewer than 12,000 refugees, a far cry from the 70,000 to 80,000 resettled annually just a few years earlier and the 207,000 welcomed in 1980, the year the formal U.S. resettlement program began.

President Joe Biden’s administration has pledged to reverse this trend and, after initial wavering, in early May increased the limit for resettlement of refugees in FY 2021, which runs through September, from the historically low 15,000 set by Trump to 62,500. Biden also pledged 125,000 resettlement places in FY 2022. However, the slow pace of reviving the resettlement system and other challenges in the COVID-19 era make it unlikely that the full number of slots will be filled, at least in FY 2021.

I remember we took more than the US circa the Syrian refugee crisis (you might remember the infamous “bowl of Skittles” discourse, google it if you don’t). If all you know about Australian immigration is the offshore detention centres, it might be surprising that what happened is that the Labor opposition said “let’s take at least 10,000” and the governing conservative Coalition said “we’ll do 12,000”. I think the US took 10,000.

All small potatoes compared to countries like Germany, will be interesting to see what they do here. I’m not an expert in German politics but it seemed like the pace at which refugees were being accepted was beginning to push the limits of what people were comfortable with.


Ok, I think I got all that down and I’m ready to take the test.

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