Afghanistan Wars: The Taliban Strikes Back.

i watched some discussion of afghanistan army today whose numbers i trust. at 300k total, and ~180k active, they were among the top-30 biggest armies in the world. taliban were nowhere close. afghan army had 200 aircraft. taliban had none. with air superiority like that, you gotta wonder why they didn’t do air strikes at the advancing taliban in any of the cities, or at least Kabul.

apparently the 5000 taliban prisoners that trmp agreed to free as part of the signed deal were already the inside the cities, but still.

Australia is actually not that bad when it comes to taking in refugees from an active and obvious crisis. We just suck in how we treat asylum seekers that get here without being invited. It still amazes me how both major parties are racing each other to the absolute bottom when it comes to treating them.

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A deal’s a deal, Nikki.

This is true. We have an election coming up in a month and our conservative party instantly went to „2015 must not be repeated“ messaging. There is some backlash to that from the media, but I do not think this affects regular people one way or the other as the numbers of people that were coming from Syria (and Iraq) a few years ago, physically won’t be able to come here on their own and it doesn’t really matter whether 5k, 10k or 20k people will be airlifted from Afghanistan to Germany.

I mean it obviously matters to those people, but that won’t really change public perception.

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Do you think we have finally found THE obvious contradiction in conservative view that helps us reverse their inevitable victories in rigged elections? Or do we need to do this 1000 more times first?


Just one more time should do it


see yall said yggy had bad takes and I told yall he’s good actually


I still wouldn’t pay for those takes tho

Even worse, it could be Biden shares the Fox view.

Just a stopped clock situation

Stephen A Smith of politics as far as I can tell

See! Who could have seen that coming?!

Amidst the lol media going full lol media, Biden is right: