ACAB (formerly G Floyd) - Tyre Nichols video released, it's bad

Lol, wut? Did you not read the response to that tweet? It is impossible to have a fully loaded magazine inserted in a semi-automatic gun which has just been fired unless you reload.

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21 posts were split to a new topic: The Chris Dorner Shootings and Manhunt

WTF man? A cop is on trial for murder for killing an unarmed black guy and a cop in the same goddamn city does the same thing?!

Cops have no fucking fear what so ever. They know how the card are gonna be dealt in the Chauvin case already.

If Chauvin gets off the hook, shit’s gonna burn down.

And it should because it’ll give cops carte blanche to kill basically anybody who isn’t white for any reason.

I mean it’d have to be one of the biggest steps back in racial equality in America in the last 100 years, right?

There’s an argument that an acquittal would provide the impetus for greater change in the field of racial justice than could be imagined.

Too bad Chauvin is going to get convicted then, what a waste.

What is that argument? I guess that so much shit would burn down that it should lead to a nationwide policy shift to just stop the burning?

I vastly prefer conviction because any hypothetical gain would be uncertain, whereas the conviction is both correct and advances racial justice. An acquittal would light a pretty long fuse, I imagine.

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Yeah. Again, like I said, it’s just an argument, but I could see an acquittal leading to protests that would make summer 2020 look quaint. And those protests led to fairly significant change in fairly short order.

There’s just no way he gets acquitted. Guilty on third degree and not guilty on second, sure, totally possible. Might even be how I’d vote. Hung jury like the case where the cop shoots the guy in the back running away, with one racist jury? Totally possible, but less likely in Minneapolis than SC. But an acquittal, or even just a manslaughter conviction? I just don’t see it.

I’d argue that a response to the burning would be indiscriminate killing of protestors. I mean the cops would have just found out that they can kill people without consequence. They’re gonna use that power to stop the BLM people they hate so much.

Sure? The police were still justified in using deadly force with little or no warning against Dorner imo. The dude was toting around an arsenal and wrote a manifesto declaring war against the police. This is frowned upon.

I mean I just don’t see it. I don’t care what color you are, if you target and kill police and then hole up with a bunch of guns in a cabin which is then surrounded by those slain officers’ comrades, the only way you’re getting out alive is if you loudly yell I surrender and exit with your hands up. Even then it’s kind of iffy.

wait wat

serious question, what did i miss?


I think one state somewhere overturned their police officers bill of rights. I don’t know why that is a thing anywhere, but apparently lots of states have it. So progress I guess.

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progress baby


It makes sense in theory, obv ridiculous in practice.

Dorner content excised.

Chauvin is never ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever getting acquitted. Not happening.

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