ACAB (formerly G Floyd) - Tyre Nichols video released, it's bad

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That’s disgusting. I’m sure the county or city will be making his payments and then some when all is said and done. Dude has to realize that his good job is toast as soon as he remembers he is wearing a body cam and sees the tape.

How can every police chief/sherif not be sitting their officers down and showing them footage of these incidents and telling them not to be assholes and cost the county/city so much money.

Yeah cities just instapay now and then everyone collectively agrees that somehow it’s all okay now.

It’s bullshit.

Why is this a trial? You don’t need witnesses, you don’t even need to see the videos. Literally you can look at that picture posted above and know beyond a shadow of a doubt a Chauvin commited murder. What are we doing?


Racists see being a cop as a blank check to fulfill their racist fantasies without consequence. And who could blame them when cops are almost never punished for their misconduct?

Gonna be a while before it gets better if it ever does. Gotta a lot of racists out there dying to be cops.


They promote the biggest assholes to police chief?

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This attitude amongst jurors is oftentimes one of the most dangerous for a prosecution of an iron-clad overwhelming evidence case. You get one or two jurors who are like “man, this evidence is so overwhelming, why is there a trial? There must be something we are missing…” When really it’s just that everyone in the US has a right to a jury trial.

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Seems that way to me.

If a system exists where racist police practices are rewarded, then the biggest racists will find their way to the top.

I mean are there any stats that point out racial disparities between black and white police chiefs?

These are the videos that could change the minds of senile boomer Fox News watchers.

They see that uniform and rank and it might cut through everything else. Challenge is getting them to see it.

Also those cops know they fucked up. You can hear it his voice.

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Nah he wore that uniform to shake the cops off of him.

He was probably carrying drugs


Yeah, but he was wearing a uniform while black. Which will win out for the Fox crowd? Innocent member of the military mistreated by police, or uncooperative black guy?

Wait did this change? From my understanding cities rarely ever end up paying and cops legit never get fired. The supreme court basically gives both immunity. The people suing get paid like 1 out of every 1,000 people violated.

Is this a result of the George Floyd protests?

Def wasn’t from Floyd protests, police departments have been paying settlements for officer fuckups for a while. I’m guessing it has to do with settlements being civil court cases but not sure?

In Chicago the city has paid something like $1 billion in settlements and fines from police misconduct since 2014 lol

Yeah thats the city and tax payers, the actual police departments or officers pay nothing and suffer zero consequences.

Ohhh haha misread the comments, yeah the cop will not hurt financially from this with the small possibility that he loses his job and isn’t rehired elsewhere but seems unlikely

In every small town I ever lived in. Yup.



Still an entirely plausible cop theory.


Yeah, that’s the first thing that occurred to me as well. Even if he has one in the chamber to start, as soon as he fires, it’s going to grab another one from the mag.

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Yeah that screams of being bogus because the stacking of charges was reaching comical levels.

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Lol southpaw

This obv

Pony but ldo