ACAB (formerly G Floyd) - Tyre Nichols video released, it's bad

Moot doesn’t look like a real word

No words are real words:

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If “mute point” were the correct term for what a moot point is often used to describe-- something not relevant-- I wouldn’t even bat an eye at that. A point that has no sound seems like it fits to me, so I understand the error.

I love you guys but you can be elitist ass snobs lol


Its like a cow’s opinion


I would legit make sure everyone knew that juror’s identity and where they lived.

Man, I hope this guy doesn’t walk because the country is going to burn if he does. Probably make the BLM protests look like child’s play.

When is the trial supposed to be over?

They’re gonna set Minneapolis on fire which would suck because I really like the city.

I think the defense starts it’s case on Monday. Not sure if they are going to go two weeks as well, but I’d doubt that.

No way the defense case takes two weeks.


lol his knee and leg were on Crowder’s shoulder blade and upper back, nowhere near his neck


As expected, those aren’t remotely the same.

The knee was a little more on his neck when he started

But he moves at around the 7:30 mark because it looks like crowder couldn’t handle the knee actually being on his neck for another 7 minutes lol

It’s still resting more on his upper back there compared to the knee being driven directly into the side of Floyd’s neck.

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Crowder can’t do shit right

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Lol and look at the flex on that dude’s boot, you can see that the ball of his foot is taking a bigly amount of the body weight. Compare that to Officer Murderpants’ left foot almost hovering in the air.


Oh definitely, he could barely handle the adjusted knee on his neck position for 2 minutes that they had to adjust where the knee was too lol just always bad faith bullshit

NotBruceZ should show him what it was really like

When I first saw the picture I thought is was Flyin Ted.

I thought it was Always Sunny skit and he was Mac.