ACAB (formerly G Floyd) - Tyre Nichols video released, it's bad

haha wow I read the comments


Maybe he’ll have an epiphany like when Christopher Hitchens elected to get waterboarded.

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The mega Darwin Award


Ain’t nobody buying the justifiable force angle. The only defense that a jury could possibly buy has always been the drug overdose angle. But even then, he’s drawing to a hung jury at best.

Is he also going to be handcuffed with his hands behind his back? Because otherwise they are not at all recreating the conditions.

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is he dead yet?

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He’s drawing to one mega racist juror crossing his arms and smirking while 11 other people yell at him to no avail. His defense has been a train wreck and he’s obviously guilty.

If I were on that jury and a MAGA chud was refusing to find him guilty, I would legit attack the jurist.

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I don’t know we already heard from a bunch of cops at the police department who said Chauvin was 100% wrong.

I think for a juror trying to find a way to vote not guilty those witnesses trip things up pretty hard.

Sure the defense can call counter witnesses but I think they lose in the wash.

There have been studies done on the incredible amount of pressure brought to bear in the jury room. There is a reason that hung juries are very rare, and when there are hung juries it is almost never because there is a lone holdout. It’s because the jury is legit split like 6-6 or 8-4. A lone hold out hanging a jury on a case of this magnitude is very rare.

Remember that one of the rules of the jury is that you can’t discuss the case till the very end. So you make friends with your jurors int his weird shared experience for weeks. It’s hard to hold out.




Moot / mute is a weird one for me because I don’t understand how people conflate them. Obviously lack of reading is key to this issue but even with that don’t people know what the word “mute” means?

What do they think they are saying?

They’re using words that they heard but have never seen written down.


You can always tell when people are not well read because they misspell a lot. You can similarly also tell when people read a ton because they mispronounce a lot. I say this as someone who mispronounces a lot.


But they don’t sound the same. Mute rhymes with cute. Moot rhymes with boot.

I kind of like this scenario. Would be interesting to see what the other jurors claimed happened. I like your chances.

I agree he’s drawing thin, but the defense hasn’t started yet so I’m concerned and not ready to dunk it yet.

The richest person I personally know can’t spell anything and writes in all caps. Everybody is in sales.

My law student friend 16 years ago was pretty amused by me saying mute court. In fact it was her drunk dialing me from New York during moot court competition that helped me get the hint. It worked. Will be our 13th anniversary later this year.

She says spelling is a skill, not a sign of intelligence.