ACAB (formerly G Floyd) - Tyre Nichols video released, it's bad

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You’re so close, my man:

No one says that the Union flag is racist. So why are we saying the Confederate flag is racist? Well, they fought against the North. So yeah, technically they fought for slavery, I guess you could say, but again, that’s been over 200 years ago. I think it’s time that people just, like, get the fuck over themselves. Because, if, if that’s true. If the symbolism behind that flag is still that hurtful now, then we should still hate the South.

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I don’t have any idea how this case is going to turn out but this defense lawyer is laughably terrible. This is some My Cousin Vinny shit.

The My Cousin Vinny defense lawyer was very good, tho!


There was more than one defense lawyer.

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Take that back. Even the judge told him he did a good job at the end of the movie.

Plus he was bangin Marissa Tomei. 10 million points.




Joe Pesci’s cross-examinations are quite good.

It was cited by my criminal law professor as a legitimately good example of strong cross examination.

Yes, it was taught for a week in my evidence class. It is a legit good cross. Short direct leading questions, score your points, then sit down and shut up. They had real trial attorneys advising on that film.

Plus the character was sleeping with Marissa.

Did I post this already?


The point is worth emphasizing even if you did.

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Chauvin’s attorney’s implicit argument through questioning that Floyd saying “I can’t breathe” was a form of resisting arrest is a bold strategy. Let’s see how it works out for him.

I’m assuming this will be his next argument: If Floyd was literally saying “I can’t breathe”, isn’t that a sign he could actually breathe?

The officers on the video uttered that at least once.

It’s also stupid because, once again, it cuts against his best defense. His best defense continues to be that Floyd started suffering from a medical emergency before Chauvin ever laid a finger on him. Floyd starting to say he couldn’t breathe before getting put on the ground buttresses that defense! But el stupido instead wants to go with the argument that Floyd really could breathe and was just saying it to “resist arrest.” You can’t argue alternative facts to a jury.

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I still don’t think conviction is a slam dunk. Things are going to get gnarly when presumably the defense calls a ton of “experts” that claim justifiable force and that the cause of death was really fentanyl overdose and the cops were helpfully holding him still and protecting him from the mob until medical help arrived.

Don’t worry the right wingers will prove that chauvin is innocent