ACAB (formerly G Floyd) - Tyre Nichols video released, it's bad

Because he’s a moron. He’s antagonizing witnesses instead of STFU. It’s all on video. Don’t question what they are looking at.

One of the few glimmers of hope I have for strong conviction is that the jurors all know what happens to their community if they acquit. Even if you are quite racist, you are probably even more inclined to fear the insane riots that would follow.

Yes. It’s this. As I’ve said previously in the thread. Effective cross-examinations are short, surgical, direct and to the point. The best lawyers know when to stfu. This guy is not helping his client with his fact witness crosses when the whole thing is on like 20 different videos.

My goodness, this jury is not acquitting. Half the jury is black.

in for 2 day deliberation and guilty on murder 3 don’t at me

That’s the defense in the Breonna Taylor case but it doesn’t fly here. That’s also the correct meme to use.

At the time I was frustrated because I assumed people knew that shit, a no-knock warrant, was legal and they were just being performative about the inevitable outcome of that case, but I’ve since realized people as a whole didn’t know. Mainly because it’s so insane; any sensible person would think there’s no way it was legal. Even if you were pro-cop and only cared about their safety, you’d think there’s no way a no-knock warrant is a good idea nor legal because it’s just asking for cops to get killed aside from everything else.

Not when they come in firing.

They’re not the only ones with guns, this is America.


The true evil genius of no-knock warrants is that they create a scenario where the cops can say with a straight face that they feared for their lives, because, duh, they ambushed somebody in their home. I’d fear for my life if I tried to rob a Brinks truck. The obvious solution is for me to just not rob the truck and for them to not ambush people in their home, but the latter doesn’t square with our culture of not letting the “bad” guys get away. Like, ok, if you do a normal warrant they might have time to flush the drugs? Well, sometimes drugs get flushed, I’m sorry your job turned out so hard.


True that. The guy in Breonna’s case was firing as well!

Worst charge is murder 3? What’s the time on that?

I don’t understand why he is charged with both second degree murder and third degree murder. He can’t be convicted of both, can he? In Florida, he would only be charged with second degree murder. Third degree murder or manslaughter would be a lesser-included charge. It would be an option for the jury if they didn’t want to convict him of second degree. Is this the same idea in Minnesota?

Duck duck grey duck

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When we moved to MN, my older kids had to pull aside the 5 and 6 year olds and inform that duck duck “grey duck” was wrong and the game is in fact duck duck “goose”.


The defense attorney is trying to claim Chauvin was “in a fight for his life”. He didn’t say that directly, but indicated that was the situation. Seems like a huge reach obviously.

Don’t believe your Lyin’ eyes jurors

Lol, yes, saw that line of questioning. Again, this guy is a clown. Every time he does a stupid line of questioning like that he loses credibility with the jury against his real and only argument, causation. There is no way justification works here.

How would Chauvin’s defense attorney argue if he were auditioning for a Fox News gig?


Posted in Biden thread but relates to this thread too