ACAB (formerly G Floyd) - Tyre Nichols video released, it's bad

I guess, kind of. Apparently the cross is a total loser. Gotta remember that the next time I see someone wearing one or go to a church.


They just think it owns the libs more.

I mean, that kind of is the whole point of the cross iconography, you’re not going to pwn anyone telling them Jesus kicked the cross’s ass.

I was joking

Hannity wavered for like a day, the rubes went nuts, he was back to his usual. Heck, yet another conservative radio host friend of his died of Covid(unvaxed), and Sean’s tweets about the death were mealy mouthed nonsense that never mentioned the guy was unvaxed. Pure cowardice.

I don’t know what motivates these people. They all have enough money to retire for life and then some. They are conservatives to be sure, but they quickly ascertained what the fly over country felt and tailor their message to that. Ingraham, Hannity, Carlson, Limbaugh(?) when he was alive, they are vaxed and know better.

Tucker is scary to be sure. He was a driver of the school board mask shenanigans. But replacement Tucker is very likely just as bad, they now have the ‘activate’ template. Rush was helping with this mindset, talking about the nobility of the founders and how Republicans have to follow their lead with violence(implicitly suggested regarding the election). Tucker is not alone in being an advocate for proactive insurrection on the local level, there are others. It’s where we are and won’t stop in all likelihood until '22 or '24 when the suppression and gerrymandering kick in.

It’s not going to end dude, that’s why its scary. Even after they completely lock in control. Someone like Tucker and the Republican party will still need an enemy, so will the voters. They will continue to make up stories about libs being evil, plotting, the reason shit still isn’t getting better. Punishing the liberals will be the red meat since their lives will not only get better, they will get worse.

Once they have full control, it will be time to punish liberals. They will probably pass laws giving police even more leeway

Our only hope is liberal states mostly tell them to fuck off

Anyone know if places like Norway or NZ considering something like a logistics manager a skilled profession they need more of?

Or do I need to learn a new trade?


My understanding is that getting employed by NZ companies as a non-native is extremely hard.

If you’re on the younger side and college educated, Canada isn’t too hard. Spend a year and go HAM on learning French and you’re almost a lock.

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Wow he just gave up millions in grifting EV. Not sure if he knows he did that, but if he did you have to give him credit for that.

90% of the people who donated to his gofundme thinks BLM is a terrorist organization and the right is seething about this.

There are white nationaiists and then there are the run-of-the-mill MAGA morons. This is a bigger group, and they won’t willingly say they are racist, yet will go along with virtually every racist thing that the White Nationalists espouse. They love to point out that there are “black racists” out there, because that seems to justify their own racism, but they won’t admit that directly. They don’t see themselves as evil either. I don’t see how we recover from this mindset.

Seize political power and use it. I think that decent Americans are making the same mistake that decent Germans made in the 1930s, they’re trying to wrangle with the fascist racist nationalists and come to some sort of complicated balance that is unpleasant but palatable. And they’re getting steam rolled. There is no road to persuading the deplorables to go back to supporting a liberal democracy. Right now the only political force opposing the deplorables is the Dems, and the Dems will not walk the necessary road. The necessary road is to force the deplorables to comply with basic human dignity and responsibility and when they complain use the “fuck you, that’s why” magic bullet on THEM for once. But the Dems won’t do it.


Contemporary American conservatives often say two contradictory things within the same sentence. It’s all word salad mumbo jumbo to force reasonable people to waste all their time “debunking” their idiotic ramblings instead of working on actually making the country work better. And liberals CAN NOT STOP taking the bait. This moronic comment by an 18 year old will kick off 10,000 “news” articles reporting what he said and 1,000 commentary pieces on “what does it all mean”. Meanwhile 95% of the American population has no idea what is going on in their own country just outside the very limited horizons in which they live their lives.


The NRA grift is well over. The responsible gun owner thing doesn’t really exist anymore. It’s maybe like 5% of the movement. It’s full blown fascist racist BLM are terrorists movement now.

I think Kyle genuinely doesn’t want to be hated by half the country. I dunno, I’m relieved he isn’t going for the auth right hero grift like I expected and 95% of the type of larpers would do in his position.

The other possibility is his lawyer told him to say this because the civil suites already started and those I can easily see him getting wrecked in and maybe they think this helps him there. Still if he continued the auth right hero aspect he could easily have had them pay for his damages plus a ton of money on top. Never needed to work a day in his life.

I think its way too early to spike the football on this. He’s just 18 and there’s no evidence that he’s very smart. What happens when people still hate him, and they will, after his media tour where he transparently comes across as ignorant? His talking points are going to come across as “some of my best friends are black” platitudes mixed with guns rights falsehoods. I would expect a huge reactionary swing the other way, with his deplorable influences whispering in his ear saying “See? No matter what you do they hate you just because you’re a white man! We’re the most oppressed group in the country!” Wait until he ends up on Joe Rogan, it will be an orgy of toxic masculinity and ignorance.

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Ugh. This is like 90+% to happen, isn’t it?

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