About Moderation

Most forums are horrible, so we’re going to need to go one level deeper.

Giving people a sense of where the line is isn’t in the brief, dude.

Nice try. Ain’t falling for it.

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Some people are willing to accept less traffic if they think it will lead to higher quality posting. I don’t know if it will, but it’s not crazy for someone to want that.

How about less traffic and lower quality posting?

There’s some stuff that certain posters just don’t want to read and would prefer this place was modded to remove those posts.

I personally would be fine if we just hid bad posts and didn’t ban posters unless they whined too much about their posts being hidden or tried to continue posting stuff that was hidden and can’t handle even that meager level of moderation.

I do not understand this argument. if this place sucks so bad, and nmnm has the same volume etc, why come here at all? why do you feel the need to? like, it makes zero sense

(I do agree it sucks but I highly HIGHLY doubt nmnm is much better)

ok, that’s fair

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We’ve been here before many times. People might agree that the worst examples of “bad posting” are just that but also differ in their idea of other types of “bad posting”.

Those problems are multiplied when even the mods can’t agree on what constitutes “bad posting” and moderation becomes haphazard.


It doesn’t need a thread like this one, so that’s one quantifiable difference that might mean something.

If there were no mods, we wouldn’t have multiple 1,000+ post threads about moderation. Think of all the conversations that would have been stifled.

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Great minds and all

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there is valuable stuff here though. lots of threads act as very VERY good news aggregators. I share lots of stuff here outward and it is always very well received. I find a ton of value in the offtopic forums - particularly video games and golf, where discussion online is usually dominated by MAGA or incel chud types. I also have made at least 5 figures from betting on political outcomes based on stuff I’ve read here. there is value to it, but I have long said this is really smaller than most subreddits, it should not require a ton of moderation.


The great sadness in my opinion is the immense value lost here due to members being driven off and the “drivers” not realizing it. Every post that says ‘if you don’t like it here, leave’ makes me cringe thinking about that.

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The two moderators of the 2+2 politics forum before the split were @Mrwookie and I, so while I appreciate the kind words, I assure you, what has happened here would never have been allowed to occur in that forum and a large number of users would have been banned from posting in the politics forum.

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Nobody is ever really driven off of this website. People take breaks, but they always come back. The voter turnout in the last moderator election just proves that.