About Moderation

Because some mods think both places have a troll problem, racist or not, conspiracy theorist or not. Is Twitter an example of how moderating less strictly leads to less trolling?

Twitter has a massive bot problem more than anything. Not seeing the same thing here and I doubt moderation can deal with that quantity anyway.

From what I’ve seen actual far right trolls are probably present in roughly the same proportions as in real life, or maybe even less.

From the perspective of posters who dislike your posting, Twitter and this place have the same problem of bad posting making the site site unreadable and not fun. They’re likely going to see both as requiring the same solution because they are open communities that anyone can join. Whether the bad posts are by bots or human trolls, they will want to delete bad posts and ban bad posters. They’re going to look at (most of) our shared experience of things like Unchained as example of what they are trying to avoid.

The fact we are having this conversation is testament to softer modding.

But I’ve always understood why I have posts hidden and why I’ve eaten temp-bans. CW’s warning and temp-bans have been very predictable. I would have preferred implementing the new policy with a week or two grace period of just warnings, with all warnings logged and quoted, because I think some people here are slow learners (or perhaps perfidious about their ability to understand), but whatever.

I don’t really care about harder vs softer modding. I just want transparent modding with clear rules and policies. I can always adapt and make my meaning clear. If I were in charge of moderation, maybe I would do it differently, but I also don’t want to be a mod.

Most can adapt to suit new modding rules. The question is what will the forum be like?

If the last few days since everything calmed down are any indication, the answer is “pretty good.”


So I guess the warnings are working.

Would be interesting to compare post counts in the most active threads of a week after vs week before mod changes.

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Seem to be. I don’t think you can do that week to week like that, sample size is too small, and obviously you’d have to control for the bickering threads. Maybe in a month or two someone can run a comparison with the previous month or two.

If we build a community where we don’t tolerate shitty behavior growth will either come or it won’t and we’ll still be happier.

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People have differing opinions on what constitutes shitty behavior.

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This is true to a point obviously, but there isn’t some big discrepancy in what is shitty behavior among groups here. As evidence, many posters arguing for looser moderation are perfectly capable of remembering and being upset by things that happened years ago. They aren’t sitting here saying ‘wait I don’t understand why you’re upset at me’, they’re saying ‘fuck you’. They don’t disagree on what is shitty behavior really.

What they actually disagree with is whether or not they are allowed to continually engage in that behavior we all agree is shitty.

This is true to a point obviously, but there isn’t some big discrepancy in what is shitty behavior among groups here. As evidence, many posters arguing about people talking about moderation are perfectly capable of remembering and being upset by things that happened years ago. They aren’t sitting here saying ‘wait I don’t understand why you’re upset’, they’re saying ‘fuck you’. They don’t disagree on what is shitty behavior really.

What they actually disagree with is whether or not they are allowed to continually engage in that behavior we all agree is shitty.


and yikes


Damn CW is still working out, huh? Dude’s gonna be ripped.


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I am down something like 13 pounds while also adding some muscle, but I have a ways to go.

It appears that if you enter an exact time for a ban to end and you’re in EST, it gets like 5 hours added to it. Not sure why that would translate into an entire extra day. Some sort of glitch in Discourse, I guess. Maybe if you’re within 5 hours of midnight it kicks it to the next day? Or non-zero chance I just hit the wrong day, I dunno. There’s no log I can find of exactly when those bans were set to expire.

It appears I did this to two people by accident, but if that happens I’d just encourage people to make an alt and PM the mods if they care that much. We can check the log, see if the full time has been served and unsuspend manually.


MaxCut’s was scheduled to end at ~5:45 EST today when it should have ended at ~5:45 yesterday.

It’s possible I hit the wrong day then. You don’t know of a way to see when they’re supposed to end after they’ve already ended, right? Someone else PM’d me that theirs was too long, but not until after it was over.

Nope, there are no logs that I know of but I compared the timestamp of your post about the ban to the ban itself and it looked like the day was the only part of it that didn’t match up.

The exact time thing just uses your local time but probably stores it in the UTC equivalent. I test banned an account for 1 minute and the ban expired as scheduled.