About Moderation

He’s referring to the Frezi post several posts upthread.

Well, maybe you’re referring to some other flagged posts, but jal insulting her was at least from what I’ve seen the most recent one that it seemed like you were talking about.


To be fair to Yuv, I flagged his post complaining about people flagging too many posts.


What? there are 50 flagged posts a day. I didn’t refer to skydiver in anyway and she didn’t flag anything so i don’t even understand your reference here.

Also just to prove, jman is basically flagging anything he thinks can help him, even though he dishes out just the same. Jmakin flagged a post that is a reply to him calling 6ix “6uxx”.

Grow up people.

Wtf are you talking about? Other than that joke flag just now I honestly have no idea.

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Well, I didn’t see the attack until after it was flagged and excised to this thread. The fact that I was expecting it might actually be something worth noting, however. Why would I expect it if it hasn’t happened repeatedly in the past and the offender is still here and posting the same stuff?

I honestly don’t mind if personal attacks are flagged by anyone because the point is to reduce the number of personal attacks in general. It seems like you’re saying that only the victim of such attacks has a legitimate reason to flag those attacks, and I wholeheartedly disagree with that.


This is not what I’m saying. I’m saying that “short btc pussy” isn’t flag worthy. Do you guys want me to give you the daily highlight of terrible flags?

If anyone is truly offended about something they should flag it. If goofy can honestly say that all his flags are posts he is offended by and not things he thinks fall within the rules of what can be moderated I’ll retract my statement.

Either way, this has literally nothing to do with you and your case didn’t cross my mind when I talked about bad flags.

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Or you poor unfairly maligned innocent, you:

It must have been a real shock for you to have your values challenged so unexpectedly.

Nothing to see here, just continued harassment over something decades old. Seems like an issue @Yuv.

So just to summarize, I said that people should only flag posts they are actually offended by and people shouldn’t shit stir by piling on someone who doesn’t post here.

BOTH THOSE COMMENTS were deemed extremely controversial.

Remember that you’re the team who said people should complain less about mods.

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Keeed is back, now, though, so is the light green to make fun of his old positions?


All lives matter isn’t racist because they said all lives matter right? Or is there some other context that makes us all very suspicious of what they’re actually saying?

As long as you guys don’t flag it when he answers back.

Sure, if people can make fun of some of your old posts.

Are you game?

I’m not sure “we” is who you think it is in this case.

That seems like exactly the kind of zero-content insult flinging that shouldn’t be appropriate here.

Well that’s not something i think should be modded we are all adults. You can pick mods who does. They can also co-exist.

So that’s a no. Not sure how you came by to attack me to when I never even mentioned you prior to this, but i guess you’re obligated by contract. Also I do like the fact you just admitted that honesty isn’t your default state.

Beautiful to see how you guys treat mods even when they don’t do any actions you dislike. It’s just my existence that annoy you.

You know I used to think the same thing about using other gendered slurs, but have been trying to stop that for various reasons. Seems like a very fair flag to me.