About Moderation

Is this hyperbole?

Thatā€™s fair. Iā€™m going to continue to flag posts that I sincerely feel are out of line. Obviously you can ignore them if you like.

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I disagree. But as I said, there are other mods who can handle it and for the most parts I try to not disagree with a flag but ignore it and let potato and econ handle it as i donā€™t want to force my views on the forum.

If any of you, wookie, goofy or jman had a shred of decency you would try to see how i actually mod instead of attacking

i do ignore them and try not to decline unless they are completely whack. I even attempt to hardly ever decide on goofyā€™s flags, who is the most persistent flagger, just so he wonā€™t go through these outbursts.

You need to see it from our perspective, in which you seemingly do nothing until you need to stand up for SK for something that happens here all the time or complain about flags just after Jal gets a post hidden. Maybe those things are coincidences, but it seems more than fair to see it as not a coincidence.

You disagree that other gendered slurs are flag worthy?

what if I had flagged it?

I called you out after you took a shot at me for a general comment. And all i said is you flag a shit ton of posts with like ā€œthis is technically a personal insultā€ and other stuff that i think are pure spam.

But even if I do think that i almost never disagree with them and let other mods handle it just in case it will seem biased.

I donā€™t think Iā€™ve reported many posts and Iā€™m not entrenched in the Forum Warsā„¢ so Iā€™m completely oblivious to what is actually reported. I sincerely think this would be an interesting way to improve the quality of reports. I think it may be hard to do this anonymously in a way that is effective though. Also, Iā€™m sure some would also take this as an opportunity to report posts strictly as a troll. So maybe it wouldnā€™t be that helpful.

Would depend on polygraph results, obv.

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Iā€™d think itā€™s a silly flag but Iā€™d let other mods handle it as to not let my bias dictate the way this forum wants to be modded.

for example you would probably flag this with ā€œattack on mental healthā€. Which you have flagged similar stuff.

All iā€™m trying to say is that so many things can be handled by arguing with each other and not by calling for mods actions. A lot of flags, including many from captains which i almost always decline, are just a form of retaliation.

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50 flags a day is an exaggeration. you are the most prolific flagger i can find.

other than forum games, what exactly are you disagreeing with me here? look how quickly you are at full blown war when all i said is you guys flag too much stuff. Not only you, but the captains too. Jal flagged like 3 posts as well today that i declined. And yeah, I am biased in that i decline captains flags more freely than team whatever the fuck this last hour was.

So, just to be clear hereā€¦

Racial, homophobic, ableist slurs = legit flags?

gender-based slurs = silly flags?


yes. why is that funny? you flagged nearly 300 posts and you were mod for the majority or at least a substantial time. I donā€™t think anyone in the forum is even close to you.

lol imagine i said this to any of you and the histrionics that would ensue about the ā€œthreatā€ i made, go ahead and remember what you will, what I say never matters to you guys

have i ever even mentioned any drama to you? I have never been a part of your drama with the captains.

See goofy, this is being fundamentally lazy.



in my view, pretty much yeah. but as i said, i do not decline them and let other mods decide. do you have an issue with this modding method?

to me flags means ā€˜a mod must intervene to stop this immediatelyā€™. if you rightfully think someone is being childish in his language, i donā€™t think it should require moderation.

but like you can have this conversation with me without being snarky and actually assume iā€™m not attempting to harm you.

or you could just apologize for the outburst