About Moderation

As if on cue.

Unlike your boy forechecker, I AM ashamed of things I did in uniform. Namely: enabling a culture of misogyny and homophobia by remaining quiet and an attitude of “ suck it up, cupcake.”

None of my posts are salivating over anything.

Fact 1: the A-10 is a low-tech, old system that made an actionable difference in Desert Storm.

Fact 2: Close Air Support is by definition a function that specifically targets front line enemy combatants. An A-10 is not killing civilians. It is targeting tanks that are killing us.

Fact 3: CAS is a difficult and dangerous mission due to Fact #2.

Fact 4: the design of the A-10 is basically a fixed-wing airframe built around a very large tank-busting gun.

The conversation in the thread was about air forces, tech, and the CAS mission, something I might know a little more about than the average poster here.

I have/had no control over the nature of warfare, doctrine, human nature, or the fact that wars exist. You seem to be angry that people are killed in war (combatants or not). Well duh. We all wish war didn’t exist. Until that day, the next step is ending them quickly while minimizing our losses. That is what the A-10 is for.



I stopped as soon as you started claiming the moral high ground. Can’t think why.

I mean, nothing in life is certain except for death, taxes, and Jal and whatevs coming out of the woodwork anytime I say something about the military or Pete Buttigieg, respectively.

Just putting your clear bias and lies on record.



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Everyone knows but you, apparently. Situation normal.

It’s because he’s mad he can’t call her a c***.

Poor effort. Your heart’s not really in this, is it?

The old J man would have invented a misogynistic phrase and ascribed it to me knowing he had the support of the backward potato mod, and would be doing rather better in the mod poll you’re trying to win.

It’s tough for a lot of people out there Jal. Sorry one of your nominations didn’t work out

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I liked those Bud “True” commercials


Is that why they had a US soldier co-hosting the intro to Red Zone today?

Lol Frezi, you sure do reply to me a lot considering you have me on “ignore.” image

I think he only calls men and Thatcher a c word

I didn’t say I had you on ignore, Read better.

You’re off your game a bit lately. I hope everything is ok with you.

Originality was never your strong point. Following orders and fitting people up, a different story though.

Now you’re not even trying.

I hope everyone has an enjoyable World Kindness Day.