About Moderation

hahahaha you’ve done effectively zero modding for months but whoa whoa whoa someone makes a passive aggressive unnamed shot at keed and WHOA WHOA WHOA PUMP THE BREAKS MISTER

hahahahahaha ty this made my day


I don’t think we should take veiled shots at him during this difficult week.


stop ruining the forum

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Is this the golf thread?


took you all day to come up with that one eh, thank goodness we got “good mods” like yourself!

now back to doing nothing and/or tone policing thread when you sense your buddies are maligned!

like imagine modding a place like this and stanning for fucking keed hahahaha fucking sad as fuck bro

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why is it that everyone who laughs at their own posts are so bad at posting?

It took me all day because i live in a different timezone than you jmakin. Is there anything you want here? I asked not to tag people not in the conversation to avoid unnecessary shit stirring. Do you disagree with that? Judging by your remarkably bad posts, you didn’t even read the original post. There was no tone policing. I assume you didn’t read, cause otherwise you’d be lying and you keep flagging 500 posts a day about lying.

On a different note, have we even interacted that you feel the need to humliate yourself with these posts? I didn’t stan for anyone, but you on the other hand are pathetically stanning for those who asked to permaban you from the site.

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the good mods was also a reference to the other mods who are not me.

feel free to apologize for this outburst whenever you feel like. i tend to forgive and forget.

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Shocking that people in the tank forces behave like animals when in a war, I know.

So strange that you are nowhere to be found when your mate Forechecker unashamedly brags about his time in the military, but you’re all about going after hers. :thinking:

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Need some examples of this “unashamed bragging”. Suspect none forthcoming.

Factual descriptions of time served != posting people killing machines. So shocked you’re not on the side of those being killed.

This one was edited from a direct dunk on Trolly and CN to a more generic “not a hospital worker” jab

That isn’t an example of Forechecker unashamedly bragging about his time in the military.

Nice stanning though.

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it was about to get a ‘wat’ from me


Here comes the Frezi Pivot.

Edit: Or the Frezi Ignore.

Not in the way you meant.

Actually, in exactly the way I meant. Compelling!

So are you going to chastise your mate Forechecker for his deplorable views now? Or just keep going after Skydiver for hers?

I promise that when he starts salivating over pics of war porn or war tech porn I’ll do just that.

Are you ready for some images of the victims of war tech yet? Just pretend they’re Russian if it’s not happening for you.
