Ukraine Invasion 2: no more Black Sea fleet for you

I expect they will try to cut off supplies coming in from Crimea before going for any other major cities. Supplies seem to be a big issue for the Russians and the reason they keep having to retreat from what looks like defensible positions. Not controlling air or sea makes it difficult to supply an army with its back against the sea.


I’m sure I’ll get insulted for this post because I’m “glorifying war” or whatever, but I’m old enough to remember Desert Storm and the gamechanger that the A-10 was. CAS is difficult and dangerous and it’s why not many militaries actually have a strong capability for it.




ha I was about to say something about the a-10, which somehow I know has an amazing rep despite knowing very little about military stuff.

Most CAS is handled by helicopters flown by the army and marine corps, which makes sense. You can put more armor on a chopper and still make it airworthy. But the generals back in the 70’s wanted a flying gun, and the size/power of the GAU-8 is such that it makes mounting it on a chopper aerodynamically impossible. Also, it’s so heavy that they had to sacrifice armoring to make it fly.

CAS is hard because flying low and slow while being shot at by everything from SAMs to your uncle’s .22 air rifle can be pretty fucking nerve wracking and dangerous. Add to that the relative fragility of the A-10 (compared to choppers) and you can see why Warthog drivers are badass AF


The video I think I was remembering.

2 posts were merged into an existing topic: About Moderation (Don’t Take the Bait)

Looks obviously staged but hey it works at least a little

Agreed. Epic piece of shit.


The retreat from Kherson doesn’t solve Russia’s logistics problems. More on Kinburn peninsula.

TBF, Russia was planning on taking Kyiv in 3 days, so they didn’t really do too much analysis of logistics, other than moving things forward in controlled territory.

Nova Kakhova has also been liberated. It‘s on the east bank of the Dnipro river right where the dam is.

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Who was expecting some crazy Russian scheme to blow the dam while Ukrainians crossed the river?

The only thing I heard along those lines is Russians evacuating civilians from that area.

No one.

I guess this strategy failed so they went with plan B.

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4 posts were merged into an existing topic: About Moderation (Don’t Take the Bait)

Agree about Zelensky. He’s our generations Churchill, without the racism and classism.


That’s also where the mouth of the canal that supplies Crimea with water is.

It seems pretty clear that there was a crazy Russian scheme, but like most things Russian in this war, it lacks execution.