Ukraine Invasion 2: no more Black Sea fleet for you

I’ll do the warning thing good mods do before they silence.


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Is the issue wondering where they went after being completely wrong or calling them tankies?

I believe the term used here is shit-stirring

Errr that doesn’t answer the question. We absolutely are allowed to make fun of someone showing their ass on a topic.

which you have, repeatedly, over the course of months. as far as i can see keed hasn’t posted in almost three weeks. this is the same as tagging a user to mock him when he’s not in a conversation. if you want to argue it more take it to moderation thread.

As long as you agree that it’s okay to do the same to you.

Yes I agree. I just needed to get one little dig out of my system. I am good now.

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i say carry on with the digs. kherson liberation day stretching into the weekend.

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oh man what would that be like? :roll_eyes:

where does measheimer go to get his apology?


I’m not sure if current active defense systems can deal with top-of-the-line ATGMs, but it seems very likely that the next generation will be able to.

Not a lot of info. People are saying it’s risky. There was some talk in September that they tried this then. The Russians claimed it was disastrous for Ukraine.

i am not seeing anything on that yet on any telegram channels. we’ll probably know more tomorrow if this is a twitter fake. right now looks like it could be

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Yeah hard to see them trying to invade through there because the logistics would be very hard. I thought they would just go for Mariupol to cut of the supply lines for Russia.

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I think this is what most people think, so they’ll probably go with plan B.

pure unadulterated hopium