What about people who use racist phrases to describe music playing devices and then go to the mat on why it’s their god-given right as an Englishman to use said racist phrase?
I get the captains hate but im really puzzled why team ikes went with an attack on comedy skills. Surely you dont believe you are the funnier side, do you? very strange strategic choice
Apparently you’re the only person who doesn’t know that words often have different meanings in different countries, but we should make allowances for your lack of worldliness on account of your limited experience.
You’ll trounce me in any quiz on Disney, I concede.
I also never understood the “get a life” angle. Thats the one thing we have in common, everyone here. Giving a fuck about online community is the only reason this place exist to begin with. “Haha you care about the internets” is always such a poor comeback
I don’t care what you do with them, but obviously one side (the one always accusing the other of being whiners) reports a shit load more posts than the other. And the bigger point is that you always seem to immediately notice when one team is being mean but not the other. Perhaps that is a function of the first point? But if so you would think that you would eventually learn. Nothing worse than somebody that punches a sibling and then runs to mommy crying accusing the the person they punched, you know what I mean?
So it’s your God-Given right as an Englishman to use phrases acceptable in England that are racist and misogynistic in other countries, even when posting on an international message board containing mostly people from those very countries, because you’re an Englishman. As I said, got it.
Also, I understand your historical education may not be up to snuff, so I hate to break it to you, but ghettos absolutely have racist and antisemitic origin stories, even in your neck of the woods! I’m glad that I’ve had this opportunity to educate you today.
95% of Englishmen were educated out of the sp** word in the late 90’s (any UK’ers remember Joey Deacon?) but ya, gh**oblaster still an everyday word here, harking back to the days of US use of the term but no racial connitations this side of the Atlantic, as far as I’m aware