About Moderation

This is about the 2nd time there have been posts in the moderation thread since those 2 were banned. Why bring back one of the biggest problem causers ever? It’s nice to not have huge moderation threads full of drama.


If this forum was consistent with the way they applied rules he wouldn’t have been banned. clearly he has a following (never will understand this til the day i die). I’m still not sure the exact reason, but given the fact that the spur of doxxings/harassment kinda seemed to stop when he and his ilk left, I acknowledge it was probably a net positive.

If the moderation of this forum had ever pulled its head out of its ass they would have been gone years ago. Trump has a pretty good following too but that shouldn’t keep him out of jail. Jal should have been gone when he first bitched about not being able to use the word ■■■■ instead of using our lack of coherent moderation rules to lawyer ball that into the mess it turned into.


of course people probably know I was heavily involved in this and your point is not lost on me, but I’m no longer sure what I’m allowed to say publicly for fear of my posts being edited/censored by the powers that be. Obviously you’re not wrong, but the deeper cause/issue of all of this is a community that tolerated such abhorent and trollish behavior for so many years that it pretty much took moderators violating the sites’ own bylaws to deal with the problem.

That doesn’t feel to me like a place I’d want to continue to be a part of, personally, even if the symptom is mostly gone. The disease is still here.

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Just because you repeatedly post something doesn’t make it true.

Thanks for dropping by with your hot takes.

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sorry, am I allowed to respond to this obvious falsehood without being censored? nice ninja delete btw of the post I referenced.

hint: there are a lot of other n words you missed

deleted post (and hilariously it looks like you went and deleted the 6ix post i referenced here too)

I just want to know the rules here. am I not allowed to point out facts? Respond to you? please let me know because I’m not really sure where the line is but it seems to be “making you look like a petty idiot” so I’ll just treat that as the line going forward. I hope you don’t construe my harsh tone as harassment.

I deleted that post cause it does not belong here and neither do the negative replies you received from your other forum members that i deleted as well. Take it to the moderation thread please.

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I’ve tried this in the past and my posts just get edited/censored or you selectively publish private conversations in an attempt to make me look bad. Pass. You can edit all you want here but you can’t make the conversation disappear.

I moved the posts from the Israel thread since it seems important to you to continue discussing

Hint: I don’t read every post made here and rely on truly egregious posts getting flagged by those who see them.

Also just for the record so far today I’ve deleted -1 posts.

true or false:

I flagged a post that contained the n word and you accused me of trying to start drama, and then did not remove the offending post in the end. repeated attempts at bringing this up have been edited/deleted (not moved).

Am I misunderstanding what happened?

It’s not important to me, because I know I have little chance of having an open discussion about this without either facing public or private harassment and censorship of what I’ve posted in response. I seem to be the only one moderated in this manner.

Dude shut up no one cares


You flagged a post ~3 weeks after it was made and I asked you

Anyone interested in rehashing this yet again can scroll up in this thread back to May 12th. I even explained why I didn’t delete the post you’re complaining about.

Sure, but no one passes that kind of purity test. There are unavoidable impacts to blindly enforcing consistency, just as there are unavoidable impacts to using discretion in different situations. And even in the cases of moderators who pursue the former, they are not going to pass the same purity test. No one can live up to that standard.

I would ask that we chamber these kinds of thought terminating cliches. They put a stop to rather than encouraging discussion.


Lol, yea anyone can go read it after you’ve deleted/edited posts to make yourself look good. The time of when I reported it makes no difference - you said the proper route is to report posts and I did and got mod-trolled for it because you’re an insecure loser with a power fetish on a site with 100 users. go you!

(I hope my harsh tone is not construed as harassment - I’m not sure the proper way to construe that I think you’re an asshole. I am confident however that you will survive)

someone cares - I’ll bet my life savings this post gets edited or deleted

MOD EDIT: Removed a reference to a previous admin as users were advised would happen in this post


This is a joke notice just in case anyone decides to demand justice for Marksman.

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I reckon the over harsh banning of Jal, Six & Cassette is some sort of long con - now we’ve had some relection time 'n all

LMAO “long con” How much traffic was in this thread the month before they were banned? How much has been in here since then?