About Moderation

I guess I must have survived by not participating.


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It’s more like one guy finally got banned after doxxing multiple people and the neverending shitstorm immediately stopped.


Yea man the quality of this forum sure is great compared to 3 years ago


3 years ago we all had multiple common enemies (like Trump and COVID) and as those common enemies fell away the knives came out for one another over relatively minor differences.

At least that’s how it seemed to me, maybe the infighting was always there and never changed but just became more apparent as we moved on from monitoring every new COVID variant and insane Trump tweet.

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UP fantasy fiction probably deserves its own thread


4 posts were merged into an existing topic: Bickering about old drama

Right, it was jal AND six getting banned that stopped the shit show.


:person_shrugging: the work of the anti-ahole posse is never-ending

et al.

Hard unnecessary use of the n word? No problems here.

Vague reference to someone’s religion? Permaban.

Reinstate jal and 6ix.

Jal and 6ix were forum cancer, and the forum is a better place now that they are gone. However, I personally think some of the other bans were a bit heavy-handed. My antenna goes up when people say they feel “unsafe”. Such claims, while often valid, are not above scrutiny, and I don’t think people should be permabanned for calling out someone’s religion in appropriate contexts. I am an atheist and it’s important to understanding my perspective on many issues. I think it’s important to apply common sense to such decisions. Strictly following bright-line rules turns people into Scalia. That said, I appreciate the efforts of the mods doing a difficult job.

There has been exactly one other ban and it was enacted for the exact same reason as 6ix and jal’s.

Here’s the context:

cassette decided, out of nowhere and for no reason, to use a bible quote in response to a wookie post.
Then jal and 6ix decided to hop in on the fun.

If anything one might argue I was too heavy handed banning jal.

I did not know the specific context there, though understood a certain charitable way throwing out a bible quote could be construed as a clever piece of rhetoric. I assumed it was something like, “Of course you support Israel, you’re nothing but an arab-hating jew” or similar.

In terms of being heavy-handed with Jaz, his body of work speaks for itself, and he should have been banned years ago. I think you and the mods do a solid job. I am just generally of the opinion that the baseline for bans should be fairly high, especially now that the worst offenders are gone.

Wow, sounds serious. Straight to permaban jail with him.

He was warned and chose to ignore the warning.

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I’m confused what recent ban are you talking about? Has somebody been banned over Israel Hamas matters? Or OlD dRaMa?

Old drama. I tend to only read moderation threads every few months. I only ventured into this section because of some recent technical issues with the site.

Used to be a banable offence IIRC - in the Jalfezzi Era

aha, he loves the (old) drama

hear, hear - never too late to correct a bad decision

Lol churchill you’re one of the top 5 worst posters OAT you don’t have a leg to stand on.

but yes unban jalfrezi. I made a similar post before but it was deleted by mods. Weird how yours aren’t.