About Moderation


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He’s still a mod? Ididnotknowthat.gif

He’s a magician (cum abuser of low waged workers) and any time the word “snip” is posted it magically disappears.

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cum abuser? Afraid to ask what a “cum abuser” is exactly.

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I’m sure he has a perfectly reasonable explanation.

Jmakin, the very least you can do is not insult the intelligence of people who have bent over backwards to support you here (that is, the majority of the forum, everybody who doesn’t like me and everybody who allowed you to come back to this forum after your admin privilege abuse).

This entire thing is your design and now you have people rightfully concerned that you will share their posts on 2p2 if they upset you in any way.


To put a real fine point on it, this is not about me and not only do I not mind your antics, I prefer them. Please keep doing this with me, it is thoroughly entertaining. Your existence is hilarious. And please go further than that. Do your batshit IRL stuff like the threats and what not. The doxxing and contacting. Go even further. Hell, I’ll give you my address, or you can meet me at the corner of 51st and Racine in Chicago. Please bring your black ass around the way lol.

Just leave these people here alone.


He’s only posting here to defend himself.

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Please extend me this courtesy as well

Aren’t you like world traveling or something? Even if you update your location with blogs and pictures I don’t think Jmakin is going to hunt you down across continents.

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Where’s Waldo turning the tables and tracking down Carmen Sandiego lol strange days it’s like dogs and cats having picnics together.

Well, it would appear that in lieu of making a trip to Chicago, @jmakin decided to slander my good name on 2p2 and accuse me of being a pedophile. Quite adamantly, I might add.

That’s fine though. What’s interesting is that our very own @Trolly decided to hitch his wagon to that shining star and do the same.

What is the precedent here? I am not familiar with some of the more finely nuanced moderation rules.


And would you believe this is all because I have the audacity to declare that one shouldn’t want to kill people’s pets.

2+2 has their own moderators as far as I know.



Links to the offending posts or it didn’t happen (imo).

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As an aside, I’m not sure this is precisely true right now, lol. It’s a mess.

But as a general concept obviously it’s correct.

I was just sharing as a PSA for this community, in case there was some precedent for moderation action for outside-of-forum behavior. It’s possible I’m thinking of behavior in PMs though, which is similar, but, much closer to in-forum behavior.

Of course there is

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Yes, Jmakin’s name is “SisterFister”. Trolly’s name is “Trolly McTrollson”. He might be a troll. “Phresh” is just some random dude who wants to murder people’s pets.

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