About Moderation

better luck next time


Iā€™m just curious, why are you interjecting here?

did you quote the wrong thing with one of these?

Yes, next time

Maybe if Iā€™d tagged him in it. But even still, making a relative comparison between the value of what two people contribute to an Internet forum is just about the mildest slight imaginable. Totally justifies the condescending snarkā€¦

Iā€™ll listen to an explanation of why you feel itā€™s out of line for me to add my opinion.

I donā€™t feel itā€™s out of line. Iā€™m just curious why you feel the need to interject yourself at posts directed at @6ix

Anyway Iā€™m at the most gorgeous place in the Philippines, Iā€™m actually a bit upset at myself for engaging in this type of stuff, i apologize, Iā€™m out. Sorry bix for ever @ā€˜ing you.


Because I disagreed with you characterization.

If you go back and give a fair reading to the conversation up to that point, I think itā€™s fair to say 6ixā€™s snark in replying to you was not out of line, even if ignoring your slight. It was fairly clear CS04 was being facetious to make a point. Iā€™m not saying you couldnā€™t have missed that, but if you hadnā€™t followed or for whatever reason took CS04 as serious, thatā€™s not really on 6ix.

At the same time, a fair reading of my post pretty obviously Indicates that i was offering the comment up in the off chance that he was being serious. Contextually, you could pretty easily infer that I might be more concerned about his mental health than being wrong about the intent of his post, so in an abundance of caution I offered some encouraging words, just in case. Using that post to take a swipe at my intelligence says a lot more about him and his intellect than mine.

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I do appreciate that VD, thanks :)

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Iā€™ll +1 the photography comment, by the way. I find the travel photos that CS04 has shared truly amazing.

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Yeah, itā€™s not bad for an AI :roll_eyes:

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You described 6ixā€™s contributions to a politics forum as ā€œwayā€ less and considered it just about the mildest slight imaginable. It would be easy to argue that 6ixā€™s snark about about you not getting what level CS was on is even milder.


Personally I find CSā€™s photography to be rather shallow and pedantic


You make ā€œknowing how to read and writeā€ sound so fancy!



jury still out imo

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