About Moderation

What he’s doing here is despicable victim blaming to protect cuse and possibly others. It was completely appropriate if a lawyer was consulted.

Coincidentally, jman’s legal threat was dismissed in a post on this site by the domain owner who is a lawyer.

I don’t know what he’s doing here because I don’t know the details and everyone on both sides seems compromised, so I’m not trusting anyone’s description of what’s going on.

Jman got all his posts deleted right? Seems like it got dismissed as much as gg’s did.

Really no one but the 5 mods, 2 admins, simplicitus as domain registrant and the other 2 parties involved should know the details but obviously information is leaking out to horsemen and captains alike.

He did not.

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ikes with the absolute certainty of the know-nothing as usual. Just knee-jerk reactions to defend the status quo and bootlick.

The legal threat was dismissed, idiot. I didn’t say his concern was dismissed. It wasn’t. Apparently it wasn’t that big of a concern for him after all.

What is actually rude to the person you’re feigning concern for is disrespecting their wishes on this matter. If you were not concern trolling about risk to them, you wouldn’t be posting stuff like you have in this conversation and putting them at further risk.

@simplicitus @spidercrab

Lol literally no names in that post ya little narc, and we don’t even have just one incident

Fuck off


otatop, unban AQ, please.

Yeah touche I can’t murder people in the ‘space’ I didn’t even consider that when I posted.

You’re also generally not allowed to be an obnoxious dick to everyone

Seems like a highly subjective and easily abused rule. This is probably why it’s not printed on a sign next to ‘no alcohol’ in parks.

People also drink alcohol in parks.

Seriously Alex, do you think you should be policed here, or allowed to freely express yourself like you have?

I’ve been banned before and I didn’t cry about it.

Let me ask you a question though - do you care about this space? If you do, you can always post like a normal person, provide quality content, and people will want to stay here and be a part of this community. Or you can keep doing what you’re doing, and people will continue to go elsewhere.

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That clearly wasn’t the question though. Do you think describing what happens here as ‘crying’ is being an obnoxious dick?

Which part? I care about the long-running social experiment we have going here. Remember, that’s why people don’t like me. Which, honestly, is just another facet of the experiment. People have this pathological compulsion to thought-police what others find interesting, as opposed to like just not opening the thread, like I do with football and soccer and whatever else. Frequent flier miles, etc.

I can actually answer this, but you’re like too fucked up to even realize how thoroughly you’re begging the question, right?

“I’ve been arrested before and I didn’t cry about it. Not like you crybaby criminals.” - noted real leftist Alexperiod.

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I mean you asked if I should be policed and I answered.

All these analogies to the cops are quite poor btw particularly wrt leftist case for Defund/Abolish. Maybe I’ll explain why later when I have time.

Yes and the spirit of the question was that a whole lot of reasonable people could take the subjective angle that you’ve been being an “obnoxious dick” whatever the hell that even means. So I asked a normative question about whether you should be allowed to just express yourself as one part of a two person conversation, or you should be policed in that regard. My take is obviously the former, because anything else is insane.

The defund/abolish makes them 100x better are you kidding me?

I x-posted those posts where Suzzer et al were talking about how it’s been a fascinating social experiment and they’d read a book about it but here’s my honest take: It wouldn’t work because nobody would believe it! It’s too perfect and reads like somebody made all this shit up for a neat little parable. “Based on a true story” and what not.

Everybody did all their performative woke bullshit around the protests and George Floyd and what not but when the time came to do the absolute barest ass bare fucking minimum, like, just pretend that you really believe those things and apply them to a low/no-stakes situation that is an online fucking forum, well, oops. “Just punish the outgroup and solve all the problems hooray” like are you people kidding me?

Are you the ones scripting this with plans to make it into a book?

And now with the forums really splintering masks are coming all the way off. You just described somebody discussing an injustice as “crying” lol mf you should be ashamed of yourself. Here’s an honest answer that partially addresses this question,

In the context of what I typed above, I don’t really respect anybody who doesn’t find all this interesting and discussion-worthy. I understand if some people don’t want to discuss it for any number of a whole slew of reasons, but the people who insult and deride those who do like they somehow have the high ground? Nah. You, specifically you Alex, just said I’m posting abnormally for not, I dunno, posting about sports or some shit. On a fucking politics forum. With this sociopolitical experiment running. One can’t type that and still consider themselves a serious person.