About Moderation


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What is so special about this community that we can’t have a normal top-down moderation process? We all stuck around on 2p2 for 10+ years while actively hating Mason and thinking he’s a complete imbecile who is obviously not on our side. If we spent a decade on UP having a good time until we then finally decided the site owner is too much of a jerk, I would say that’s a pretty good outcome.

Re: Wookie’s post. I think his position is completely fine. I understand it translates to bad things in the real world, but my point is this isn’t the real world and we have the luxury of just being internet posters doing very low stakes things like shitposting online. Nobody is going to jail or getting killed because they posted badly. They’re getting put in timeout. It’s not that big of a deal!

I keep asking myself why the fuck people care so much about getting temp-banned. The only thing I can come up with is maybe they feel antagonized or even bullied, and that is bad and wrong, and if that is actually happening (and not just people being very thin-skinned) then I would again point to how moderation has been set up in the first place by over-indexing on transparency and community votes and also diffusing all power and making people choose sides because everything is up for discussion.


Getting banned for a week or two for something trivial really sucks. The head mod decided my criticism of him was too combative so he banned me for a week. Others have received more ridiculous and capricious bans. That creates a lot of bad feelings and resentment.

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I see 22 and UP compared all the time but it’s apples and oranges because UP doesn’t have a brand to protect. We’re literally just people chatting, it’s the lowest possible stakes.

The 2+2 god mod model worked (sort of) but that isn’t a reason not to try for something better that more aligns with your personal ideals imo


maybe that’s exactly what’s happening


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I did want to try something new here, but I had a certain amount of frustration that people seemed to think that all you needed to do was have people mean well and they could get it done, so that if things didnn’t work out, that had to mean that there were bad actors mucking things up.

I think people were naïve about politics and group psychology and wrongfully thought those things didn’t apply to a small forum and this could just be a very large group of friends palling around. And that’s just not how people work.


Sure, but when the petty little feuds result in lawsuit threats and we still don’t address it, it seems like the system is broken.

If it were over a petty little feud, nobody would be taking a lawsuit threat seriously, especially the lawyer who owns the domain. If it was enough to take seriously, then it wasn’t over a petty little feud. Idiotic.


Meh. How serious does it have to be to not want to have the hassle given the stakes here?

Not having seen what sparked these lawsuit threats that are mentioned, I decline to make a judgement on whether they were justified. I don’t think it is fair to make conclusions based solely on who is involved–that would be pure tribalism–and I don’t even know who they are coming from. (The reaction from some makes it look like they consider it a credible threat that isn’t laughably ridiculous.)

I regret to inform you that any space in which you are conversing with people you know, whether it’s a bar, a park, or someone’s house, will have rules and regulations for how to behave, and if you don’t abide by them, you will be asked to leave.*

*(Eventually if you don’t follow the common accepted standards and also kick and scream and refuse to go cool off, unfortunately people will get tired of your antics and begin to look for a new place of their own.)

It’s great how you can say this without even considering why nmnm was created.

I understand why NMNM was created and didn’t have an issue with it except for the times y’all would flaunt about who is and isn’t on the invite list. I’ve also agreed that some of the bans handed out to your friends were superfluous and excessive.

Yeah I mean no disagreement here - I just think it clearly went badly and we should have changed course a long time ago.

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You say really stupid fucking shit sometimes. Tons of resources can be wasted if you’re sued, even frivolously. Any moron can file a suit.


Yuv should have been turbo discharged from his mod position for encouraging a completely baseless lawsuit against the website that, if the threat had gone through, would have ended the site.

If the thing that does it is the flag resolution, lol UP, but it would be an improvement.

You say really dishonest shit all the time. There was no entity with “tons of resources” at risk over a “petty little feud”.

Seems rude to insult the person who has registered this domain and technically owns the site like that.

I mean… an admin of a site reading other people’s PMs seems pretty petty to me.

Let’s ignore the word “tons”. If it felt significant enough to have to hire a lawyer to deal with any threat, that seems like a non-trivial waste of money and time. Was consulting a lawyer an appropriate response?