About Moderation

Nice. I like a good bit as much as the next person. Fair play :smile: :+1: (I think I sat out most of that one but w/e)

To be authentic, though, you need to actually ban otatop and drop its trust level, and maybe log it in the permanent record. Next perm the alt, obv.

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I’m not that committed to the bit and aside from trying to stop Jbro and AQ from harrassing people via PM I’ve never manually dropped trust levels, it happens because part of TL3 is not being silenced or suspended in the past 6 months.

Looking into that made me look into what TL4 is because it’s one of the options and from reading about it it sounds like a good middle ground between having mods or not:

Closing threads and splitting or merging posts are the main things that need to be done around here, maybe we should have a TL4 election or something.

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You could get a bunch of Jr. Moderator minions which would free you up to see to the important business of giving weeks-long bans to your Forum Enemies.

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Maybe everyone gets TL4 next week and we see how that goes?

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Replacing mods with TL4 members would be a positive move.

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This is part of why the argument sucks from caffeinNeeded and others about how simply accepting a 1-day ban is so trivial that there is no point in contesting it and in doing so everything would have been just hunky-dory. That stupid ban commonWealth gave me for reminding mods about clearing up a bad entry in the mod log was completely unwarranted and more than being a simple day off, it dropped me from TL3. Instead of realizing his mistake and putting things right, he just banned me more for contesting it just so he could stick to his fucking agenda.

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Finally came across this while reading the relocated discussion out in French BBV. You knew it was off in Neverland and that I was not involved in the discussion but were still surprised I missed it? You’ll say anything that comes to your mind when trying to argue something, even if it’s obviously wrong,


So… about that conversation you had with Yuv and categorizing it as “Yuv losing his shit towards you” and abuse of moderation power.


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This can’t be true just based on TL requirements. cW banned you 4 days after you registered and to even get to TL2 requires

  • Visiting at least 15 days, not sequentially

Yeah, you’re right. My mistake misremembering on that. It was actually on my original MaxCut account and was your own ridiculous ban for me directly suggesting a couple posters might be acting like assholes.

TIL ‘stylin on’ means posting lame memes ad nauseum


I’m only in this thread because drama keeps spilling out into the rest of the forum. I don’t have personal relationships with anyone here that would bias my judgment. My opinion of posters is based solely on the quality of their posting. And, I guess now in some cases, their involvement with the drama - who’s acted like children, who’s campaigned for their “teams” by bringing out the fainting couches for absolute bullshit. I haven’t followed from the beginning and I’m certain I’m missing some context, although I was able to witness many of the referenced events unfold live and I’ve unfortunately followed much more of the drama than I would have liked, so I’m not entirely uninformed.

I’ve seen enough though to say with full confidence that the previously temp-banned and/or perma-banned posters who make up this “Captains” team were banned for good reason, the forum experience was better without you and it’s worse now that you’ve somehow forced your way back. As far as I can tell the support for the entire group is just one large circle jerk, and your tactics are not going to win you any allies. I look forward to the day you’re all IP banned and I appreciate any modding that provides even temporary relief from your absolutely toxic posting.



Abridged version:

Not only haven’t I read very much or know what’s going on or have even the vaguest idea who the captains are, I don’t care about even a single person here. Ban. Them. All.


No, my actual post stated that I do know quite a bit of what’s going on, but this revision is a good example of the absolute bullshit your team trades on so thank you.




D- gimmick


This post expressing your feelings is fine, you’re certainly entitled to them. My opinion is that the part where you yearn for the day a bunch of unnamed members are banned sucks pretty bad and that you are indeed missing important context, but I do not wish to dismiss your opinion. Could you put into words what you think the central issue is in the “conflict”?


Here are the issues that make this almost impossible. There are 5 mods currently. 1 is actively moderating and trying to keep the captains in check. 1 is a captain and has and will continue to reverse mod decisions they disagree with. 2 don’t do anything. 1 has left the site (why is this person still a moderator?)

All of these mods were voted in for 6 month terms. In August a person who has since left this site started a poll saying that the 6 month term limit should be removed. It was removed and now all current mods are mods for life.

And that’s where we are. A standstill.

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Yeah, yeah, yeah, we all get it.: you’ve made it abundantly clear you think you should be a mod so you can exercise your hateful banlust instead of using the ignore feature because your solipsistic MUH FORUM EXPERIENCE is more important than other people’s right to post with each other and with others who they may (HORROR!) disagree with.