About Moderation

The central issue is that legitimately banned posters felt their bans were unjustified or applied unfairly, and now that moderation has weakened are taking the opportunity to relitigate their cases and/or sow chaos in such a childish and forceful manner that it’s affecting the entire forum experience. I’m aware that you believe it’s the other side engaging in the truly heinous acts but in every case your characterization of those acts are not what I witnessed or know to be accurate. And you should be aware that based on your recent posting here alone I have zero confidence you’re engaging in good faith and this reply is the extent to which I’ll tolerate your sealioning.


Here is a perfect example of the dangerous nature of bans.

I wondered why this user, who I have never interacted with, is so hellbent on kicking me off. I was genuinely perplexed, especially given his hilarious thread where he suggested he will replace only me.

After a hefty investigation it turns out that on the night of the mad king I banned TimBuktuuf for 24 hours after he lashed off at some users.

See the effects that bans can have on users. It’s been 8 months where a 24 hour ban kept the fire within him so strong. Maybe it will give you a small view into why endless bans for silly things don’t create a better community.


Remember when you voted for meb to be a mod because you thought I was going to get permabanned, then you got banned and I didn’t? Shit that was funny.

Also demonstrative of how you don’t actually believe this bullshit at all.

So TimButtHurt then

It’s probably because he thinks you’re a terrible moderator.

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Yes, because I banned him once. It’s funny how it works that way.


I don’t believe it has much of a chance as long as the ikes brand of toxicity is allowed to poison discourse here in every thread it enters.

You’re on a computer surfing the World Wide Web with two tabs open. One is About Moderation and the other is horse porn. Someone walks into the room and you only have enough time to close one tab. Which tab do you close?

  • About Moderation
  • Horse Porn

0 voters


Trick question dickhead About Moderation IS horse porn


Fair enough. That also means your little talk degrading other people’s “MUH FORUM EXPERIENCE” and talking about “other people’s right to post with each other and with others who they may (HORROR!) disagree with” is bullshit too. You just want different people banned, and more importantly to burn this place down. It’s going to suck when you get what you wanted.

Ah yes I remember now. I was so perturbed that I created numerous @timbuktuufreading accounts to whine about the ban


It’s not against you. I empathize with your anger. You just make a fine example of how bans can create animosity even in places where there was no relationship whatsoever.


I don’t want anyone banned unless it’s as a fair response to other bans.

My preference is for people, you especially but also the supercilious Wookie and potato to be less toxic in your posting and more tolerant of dissenting opinions, leading to zero bans.

If that proves impossible for yous, and your mods continue to ban people then I want to see rotating moderation applied fairly regardless of which “team” the poster is perceived to be on.

It’s extraordinary to me that any of this is controversial, but here we are on the forum where moderation was gamed by wookie in favour of people like J 8i3h289dn3x7 and cuse and against the people they were picking on, which is where all the problems started.

Now those two have gone maybe there’s some hope.

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The issue is the weaponization of moderation. A great example can be seen with the simple “fuck off”, displayed itt multiple times.

At times it’s a ban worthy offense, which is just the end result of a flag worthy offense by people who are lying that they are offended by it. At other times it’s a like gathering mechanism.

These are the same problems that plagued this place for years but most users, or at least a very vocal group, don’t actually want that fixed.


Right. Like my only interactions with otatop have been getting banned by him for a week and him banning my friends for weeks at a time. So now I don’t really like him very much!

Given your feelings on my intentions, I appreciate you still making what I judge to be a good faith reply. It’s a fairly rare moment when someone is willing to engage in earnest and at least acknowledge what I see as the central issue. I’ll keep my comments brief. With respect to the issue of unbalanced and overzealous moderating of the forum, nothing I’ve seen rises to what I would consider a heinous act. Next, if you or anyone following are inclined to any additional consideration on that issue, I would suggest thinking about where the moderation power balance has been throughout this “conflict” and how that typically impacts relationships between parties. Finally, how I engage with particular posters depends largely on our history. We have none and I am actually engaging you in good faith. I’ll leave it at that.

Nah, he probably has other reasons for disliking the job you’re doing.

Definitely doesn’t have anything to do with the fact that Yuv is an active participant on another forum with people who are conspiring to troll and destroy this forum and have been doing so for years. Definitely not that.

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you have no idea what you’re talking about

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Not really, hence why there are no reasons given. Same reason that you are attempting this line of attack, since I banned you yesterday for 24 hours. Yet you guys lack the empathy needed to understand how other people might feel mistreated from being continuously banned for longer period of times.

Empathy is a big problem, I’ve mentioned it years ago here. My observation on the matter hasn’t changed much since, it just keeps gathering more evidence.