About Moderation

How everyone involved itt isn’t deeply embarrassed I’ll never understand.

Carry on.

Quit judging things you don’t understand.

AQ’s two-week ban is down somewhat to a misunderstanding of how the software works. That ban should be rescinded.

Let’s talk about 6ix’s two-week ban.

Are we back to banning for styling on people or personal attacks or whatever? I mean you made that thread title for christ sake. Lift the ban.

It’s also looking suspicious that whenever 6ix begins making any meaningful progress in an actually interesting conversation (despite all the shit drive-by attacks that he has to swat away, and does so with clever stylings that at least have some humor value) he catches one of these ridiculously long bans.

I’m old enough to remember when we used to love to laugh at POG forum drama…good times…

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It’s simply amazing that this kicked off five days ago with 6ix posting in here about unbalanced modding with an example of caffeineNeeded styling, stating that people should NOT be banned for such posting and a few days later ends up banned for two fucking weeks for… styling. But of course CN, for example, like never catches a ban. Fucking agenda.

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Gotta sting a little to get those insta Ikes likes.


Just wish goofy and jman were here to see this

Don’t worry. They are.

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Says the person with 737363 posts all attacking the same poster, not in AM but in the main forum.

Some people get off on what happens in this thread. Why are you kink-shaming?


Sorry for your loss. I hear there’s another place where you can connect with their amazing thoughts and insights.

At least there was occasional banging between posters too

Yes, when someone posts something that involves them being a complete and utter fucking moron. Or preferrably, just perma their stupid ass.


So far we have two supporters of mods impersonating members as a personal attack, you and the idiot.

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ZZzzz fuck off


Again to clarify, there’s an impersonate feature in Discourse that only admins have access to and referring to changing a thread title this way indirectly brings up a thread made by commonWealth about previous admin actions that we’ve (the mod and admin team) been asked to not allow references to.

Changing thread titles and even moving threads between forums are features any Trust Level 3 member can do. Discourse even sends you a notification when someone edits the title of a thread you created that includes the updated thread title
but it looks like if the thread has been closed it doesn’t send those notifications.

I wasn’t talking about the “impersonate” software feature. Ignoring the mod factor, which of the following would be more accurately described as impersonation?

  1. Editing a user’s thread title and OP with no clear indication in the post about who’s words they are so that other users could easily confuse them for OP’s own words.
  2. Registering a retired account and never using it in an attempt to prevent the original user’s further abuse (after programming bots to troll the forum).

By rights, you should take a two-week ban like you gave me.

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Seems fair enough.

Hey guys.