About Moderation

I’m a day or two behind and will try to avoid grunching too much.

Lots of people care, but potato doesn’t count them as people.

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Jalfrezi, MaxCut, cassette, AngryQueer, 6ix, SenorKeeed the IVth, churchill, NotBruceZ isn’t what I would consider “lots of people” but you sure care a lot.

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Should we only permit posts that the majority of people care about? If you want that level of moderation, maybe lovemuffin/wellnamed is available.

I feel like you’re (the royal “you’re”, not specifically NBZ) ignoring the sentence before I said nobody cares

If you want to piss and moan about moderation, do it here and not in the COVID thread, or a memes thread, or new threads started to get around a throttle on this one, etc.

If you want to complain about things MrWookie posted 3 years ago, do it in French BBV or better yet just don’t constantly rehash the same shit for the 30th time.

Anyways, if you think AQ is lying about your modding, I’d prefer you leave handling moderation of that to another mod who isn’t directly involved.


Stop. No.


If you miss commonwealth, blame him or ask him to come back posting as a regular member. He abused his mod powers and, like meb although taking a lot longer, finally had the sense to voluntarily stop.

This post is clearly the best way to get me to stop.

There’s no attempt to make you stop. Your opinion being fucking dumb as fuck hasn’t ever stopped you before, even from hoping for genocide, there’s no reason for any sort of extra effort

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White genocide is a good thing.

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I get the reasoning, but for historical accuracy, WN’s policy was more to justify allowing posts that some objected to if they were things accepted in the mainstream, rather than as a general tool to stifle conversation.

To be clear I fucking hate conversations. And dear god no let us not reminisce. Run away! Run away!


Doesn’t matter how many or who cares. Your opinion that “none one cares” says it all about you and your atrocious modding.

How many more people leaving will it take before the penny drops?

What do you want to reminisce about, the forum you modded being overrun by Nazis or the time you became a scab mod for a new 2+2 Politics forum after Mat shut the original down?


On the one hand, I realize I probably have it coming after just dropping by to be an ass from time to time here. On the other hand:

But, while I’m like writing a sincere post I will say that while I disagree with plenty of decisions you’ve made lately (I don’t think you should care about that part), I think I recognize and can relate to the fact that it’s just an enormous pain in the ass and I sympathize with you to the extent that trying to moderate this shitshow is destroying your sanity and sense of well-being.

To which I can only reflect on the fact that the nicest thing Mat Sklansky ever did (and perhaps his only good managerial decision??) was to tell me I was quitting.


@moderators I can’t read the entire discussion due to it being turned into a rediculous treasure hunt with parts in hidden (to me) areas. Please adjust my TL so that I can view it.

Adjusted, hunt away.

Thank you. Maybe bump up a few dozen of my alts so I can keep reading when you ban me after catching up. :wink:

Are there situations on this forum where moderators should be allowed to change thread titles in order to abuse the OP? For example, changing a thread title to “I’m a fucking moron.”