About Moderation

I didn’t realize that was my thread, because potato edited the title

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wtf is going on


Potato is deleting, moving, editing, and impersonating posts to obfuscate some truly heinous shit. Probably I’d have to communicate it to you outside this forum if you wanted to know more

If you remember my previous username and put a gmail at the end of it, I can explain things where potato can’t intercept and edit it



When I’m gone and potato gets bored, maybe you’ll be the next person he impersonates

If he wants to impersonate a famous actor who owns an NFL team, he can go right ahead.

Stop spreading your stupid bullshit throughout the forum.

No one fucking cares.

I edited the title to something more accurate than the lie you originally used, you liar.

Kind of an unfair fight considering how you just keep deleting all proof I have of what you’re doing

I care.

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I deleted your great Johnny Depp meme from this thread and nothing else. “All proof” lol.

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I mean you can say whatever you want because you deleted everything else so you can claim it never existed

And you can keep impersonating me and nobody will believe me

Well done

Lie about my moderation actions or post your dumb memes in the Just Memes thread again and I’m banning you.

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Anything this account posts from now on (and many things it posted in the past 24 hours) are not posted by me. It’s potato impersonating me

OK, enjoy the ban.


Here’s everything I deleted that AngryQueer posted

Both posts were this same meme he repeatedly posted again in the Just Memes thread that I moved here and here

The “impersonation” he referenced was changing a trolling thread title as referenced here.

Mods can’t impersonate users, only admins can do that and he is referencing an admin doing that in the past knowing that said admin asked to not be referenced here.

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What’s the correct thread for posting dumb memes?

This dumpster fire if it’s something related to moderation whining nonsense I guess.

I don’t know or care what stupid shit is in this post but a quick scroll seems like the same zz yelling about people discussing moderation when it’s trivial to ignore.

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