META: About Unstuck splintering into SPE

Nice call back. Do you remember why he did it?

eta: it was Mat tho.

etaa: oh damn you didn’t remember. Just lumping people together again.

FWIW, I think it’s fine if they want to discuss things here in whichever appropriate thread. I don’t even think those threads should be throttled or renamed with insulting titles or that they should be silenced and banned exponentially.

Wait which new site are we talking about?

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Lol this was also what my read on it was.

AQ already left instructions for how to reach him if anyone’s worried they won’t be able to stay in touch because I guess UP will be dead 12 days from now when his ban expires.

i feel like i need a better reason to post memes in spe’s memes thread over this site’s memes thread. all things being equal, i’d do it on another site for worthless crypto coins, but rn the reason to build content over there is to like, stick it to a group of posters over here that i don’t have a problem with

so while i like the posters championing spe and wish them well, i kinda hope their project fails because i’d selfishly rather spend my own time checking fewer dumb websites.


SPE doesn’t have a thread with every episode of Magnum PI, ranked


I’ll go to all the websites (prioritizing the one(s) beetlejuice posts at) because I have enough time at my computer to do that and I like lurking lots of content.

At this point I can only go to 2 of the 3 I know about because I got voted out of one. But I wrote a hit play and directed it, so I’m not sweating it either.


No joke, I knew that the whole exile thing was going to work out because beetlejuice came along.


Would have been much easier to just ban the ~10 shit stirrers/trolls/horrible posters on unstuck



that’s what I’ve been saying this whole time

Who would you have decide on who gets banned?

Do you think it would have been fair to have a vote on a mod explicitly running on the promise of banning trouble makers?

Fair to have the vote, sure. However, mod election votes like that should not supersede community-wide votes on rules. So it would not be fair to the community to follow through on that “campaign promise” when a rule against unilateral permanent bans has been passed by community-wide vote.

Who would you have decide on who gets banned?

Who would you have decide on who gets banned?


Can you cite this?

Conversations should be two-way.