About Moderation

Save it for Festivus.

Is this whole forum some sort of weird, mean, werewolf game?


If a “werewolf game” is some sort of online virtual Lord Of The Milgram Prison Experiments where the pig hunting shocker guards somehow think they’re in the opposite group, then, yes, I think it might be.

I don’t think that one was a prisoner exp–

Oh shit I’m starting to play… I’m out.

Don’t worry you’re safe with me. I’m one of the few people here who is sincere and engages back and forth like a real live boy. No pressure though.

No, it wasn’t 10 volts,


I didn’t ban you for your post, or reprimand and insult you for posting about moderation in the About Moderation thread. I did the opposite, which was engaging you sincerely as a person and assuming you were doing the same (lol I sincerely don’t know the rules of Werewolf).

You might’ve sincerely got the analogy all backwards, but cards on the table I’m getting the sneaking suspicion:

Someone please send me a link because that sounds way better than a certain vocal minority of posters that are ruining the experience here.


If you were doing a parody of all the people who go something like “now I haven’t read hardly any of this and I’m a neutral third party but that group is clearly in the wrong and you need to hypermegapermaban them STAT” then well played.

Which posters and which experience?

Nah, I deleted that because I saw I was taking a side with a comment that would get taken the wrong way given the thread I am posting in. It was just a dumb joke. It wasn’t serious. I don’t know the sides. I don’t want to play.

I make dumb jokes, it’s all I got.


It’s all good, that’s why I asked. I put up the Sauon’s Eye Sees All just to show it’s not a heated exchange lol. And considering this sincere post (seriously, no sarcasm) you made, you did play, and won, and now can retire after a short but storied career.

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Thanks! Did not know.

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o captain my captain


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Hey, let me just say again I didn’t mean to make this a thing. I didn’t particularly agree with the line you were taking with cn about the harm or lack of it from extreme shit posting, so I brought up an example of a time you and others may not have taken kindly to it. It seems like you think nun’s main issue was posting abusively, but I think he got a fair bit of incoming for being way too arrogant and often deluded and because he posted obnoxious walls of text (ie shit posting), before there was abuse. I’ll leave it at that.


maybe, but if one imagined you getting banned for this post (not the easiest thing), it would go a long way towards a solution

Where do people think the line is between vociferous disagreement and abusive posting?

Oh, that’s easy. Just depends on who is doing it. Vociferous disagreement is what I do. Abusive posting is what other people do.


Disagreement is abuse.

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A sizable part of the abuse hasn’t been through posting. Like when Potato throttled this thread to spite me, which, fair, and genuinely funny, but caught you in the crossfire when you were talking about your ban (as it related to the flagging system). It showed a callous disregard for your thoughts and feelings, especially in the context that Nothing Bad Will Happen™ if people post about moderation in the About Moderation thread.

At least I hope he was just doing it to spite me, as that’s the most charitable reading.

I’ve never had a problem with threads being throttled because I don’t have the need for instant gratification that others seem to have. I did not feel hampered in discussing what I wanted to discuss by this thread being placed in slow mode.

The reason for this software having a slow mode is to encourage thoughtful discussion by making it impossible for a thread to be dominated by a single poster making several posts in a row or two side engaging in a rapid back-and-forth. If you read about slow mode in the Discourse forums, some people would like a way for slow mode to be engaged automatically in some threads based on the rate of new posts.

A charitable reading of why a mod might engage slow mode is because they want to encourage posters to think a bit more before posting and develop their arguments to be deeper than Tweet-length.