About Moderation

Well, you might be in the minority considering that weird notification just popped up for me! It’s why I’m replying immediately. I don’t even know how they work but they seem to be turned on by default.

Do you have browser notifications turned on? I never turn those on for any site. Are they even an option here? Or do you just mean getting a notification in the upper right corner while reading other threads?

A lot of times, I am reading the site on my desktop. I’ll read other stuff, then come back to here. I multi-task, so I’ll have a video playing, maybe a poker table open. If I’m in bed on my tablet or phone, I may be reading a book or playing a game and switch to this site every once in a while for a change of pace.

A lot of times, I will make a mental note of a post I want to react to, and think about what I want to say, and make a reply the next time I hit the site. For example, between reading your post and writing this reply, I loaded up my dishwasher.

That said lol,

I know my post read like I was playing a game but scout’s honor I wasn’t, so there’s no need to play a game back. You’re way too smart to post something like this. I wasn’t asking if you personally minded or felt hampered or abused because we both know that, definitionally, it doesn’t matter. Everything from IRL physical abuse down to the personal attack rule on this forum is governed by a relatively neutral 3rd party perspective.

I’m on record more than once saying that I’m guessing the reason people treat me so shittily here is that they know I don’t care and even enjoy it. The only time I ever got upset was one of the times Cuse banned me mid-conversation, like, literally mid-sentence.

But it doesn’t matter to an objective 3rd party, whether I don’t care about most of it or care too much about some of it. Likewise with you.

Written language is the thing that makes that impossible. It’s the whole reason we type this out, in this manner. It’s the entire point and function of an online message board forum. We could just as easily have this be an audio voice chatroom if we wanted. I remember AOL chatrooms where nothing was saved, and when mouses didn’t have scrollwheels.

You know as well as I do that all those sentiments are just obfuscation of the real issue.

I now have an official No Horse Pr0nz In Pet Thread Theorem. A whole lotta people seem super confused about the point of all these functions. Surprise, even those I think the Discourse software is weirdly dystopic and unsettling, these functions aren’t meant to troll and abuse your fellow posters. They’re for literal spam and stuff like preventing server overload in gameday-style threads. And horse pr0nz.

I’m gonna say this with admiration, because I think you do it very well and I enjoy it generally, and I don’t even think the word is automatically negative: You’re the biggest troll here and you know you don’t believe what you’re typing. So just time-out for a sec:

  1. lol
  2. It’s not the job of the Horse Pr0nz Cleaner to be Lord Of Thoughtfulness And Argument Development. That should be apparent from the job title.
  3. Come on now, noted anti-captain Soulman appears and Ikes crashes throw the window again, and the throttle is shortened then abandoned? Almost like when it’s not somebody the Lord dislikes, it’s totally reasonable to just let people type words into the wordbox when they want to on a site they collectively own because anything else would be utterly deranged? Come on now.
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I never intentionally turned them on so it must be some default. I had the browser minimized so maybe that’s it.

Right, I get it, and I’m not gonna be a maniac and pretend like I don’t. But sometimes the dishes are already clean and the spirit is moving you.

This place is reallt going to hell if we are allowing these kinds of posts!

In not related news the new zealand volcano doc on netflix is very depressing unless you like people with their skin melted off.

In not not related news alcohol is bad and i regret my part in starting the last ten hours of posts here. But i still love you all.


Oh I see the problem. People think I’m talking about posts when I talk about goofy’s abuser tactics.

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I’ve probably spent more time lurking in the Discourse forums than anyone else her and have developed a sense for why the software is the way it is, why they have included certain features and refused to include others. For example, they resisted including an ignore function for a while because they felt it impeded the sense of community they hoped would develop. They also resisted allowing permanent ignore because they wanted users to engage and work out their issues.

The goal of the software developers is to enable civilized discussion. You mention stuff like spam, but arguably the bigger concern is often trolling. Moderators have been given heavy-handed tools for dealing with trolls. They’ve also been given some lighter tools for dealing with users who aren’t trolls but who are doing things that aren’t deemed good for the community.

No one has ever come up with a good definition of trolling, in part because if you draw lines around trolling, the trolls figure out how to manipulate those edges. So, we rely on moderators to apply the Potter Stewart definition to trolling. How do we deal with fellow posters who write a mix of good faith posting and trolling?

I don’t know who Soulman is, couldn’t tell what Soulman has posted in the past. Here’s the secret to how I read the forum. I don’t pay attention to who posted what for the most part unless we’re delving in to meta-forum territory. Either posters are sincere or they are not. If they are sincere, then fine. If they are not, they are often expressing a POV that is sincerely held by some people. I just respond to the points I want to respond to and ignore the ones I don’t care to respond to. I mostly don’t feel the need to respond to specific posters and I don’t need to have the last word.


I take back everything bad I said about the software.

The only interaction between two posters that most people know about are posts here (and goofy had his account deleted, so we can’t see any negative posts he made towards you anymore) and maybe back at 2+2.

If you felt ignored because no one commented or asked questions about how you feel you have been mistreated, I am sorry for that. I thought you were just venting and that asking you to go into details might be triggering, but I’m asking now if that’s what you want to do.

I also missed this before, but saw it in re-reading the thread to look into what you are talking about.

This is a ridiculous thing to say and could easily be seen as a classic case of projection on the part of CN, who has provided a handy roadmap to what exactly triggers him re: COVID. It might also hurt his ego if you see him as a flying monkey instead of granting him the agency to be an asshole of his own accord.

Damn, ChatGPT is getting good.


i was literally about to follow that with a post saying something like “apparently i’m the only one who isn’t ashamed or regretful for exploring all this, it’s our own little lord of the flies and beats the book i was reading (that book being Lord Of The Flies)”

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Which is the best Lord
  • Of the Rings
  • Of the Flies
  • Of the Dance

0 voters

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more like bored of the rings

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It seems like 99% of the petty bs fighting that goes on here would be resolved if people used the ignore function to block out posters that they don’t like.

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Actually since I got you on the line Mimosa, if you’re curious,

the fascination I have with all this is the same fascination you have with talking to the ChatGPT, except with the settings flipped. Like, the “fail turing test” switch was toggled and I’m trying to get you all to pass because I know you’re real live boys and not artificial.

Which is also why I think it’s kinda dumb to say any poster was driven off by other posters. Engaging in this shit is a choice and it’s pretty easy to choose to ignore the parts/posters on the site that you don’t like or that get under your skin. Getting so angry at a poster or group of posters that someone decides to leave the site is as much an issue about that individual as it is about the others (in most cases).

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This is the part I alluded to that unsettles me. Big Ned Flanders When He Was Dictator Of Future Dystopian Earth In A Halloween Special Energy. Like, just make some rectangles for us to type in and settle down.

Everybody everywhere would go far with simply accepting that “trolling” doesn’t mean “doing/saying a thing I don’t like”.

And here we are.


O captain my captain where were you a year and a half ago when that meme started?

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I’m a self-identified statist. I suppose you could say I adopted the label to troll libertarians, but I sincerely believe in the need for some level of hierarchy and authority.