About Moderation

The fact that you think there was any sort of a campaign of abuse against you is just your desire to be the main character. Truth is that you’re extremely volatile and easily provoked.

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It’s also key that when certain people say its “better” here, it’s not because there is more discussion, nicer discussion or to point out that many active threads have lost multiple frequent posters.

They mean the people they dislike are gone.

Cool, congrats.


If those attacks come out of nowhere, then obviously I’m wrong about nun’s character; somehow I doubt that there isn’t history and an escalatory chain of replies that led to that. I didn’t mean to make this a thing, you mentioned something about shit posting that doesn’t hurt anyone as something other posters should just shrug off. I don’t agree in spirit, at least in the sense that it’s ok for people to want threads to be better (or just some subset of threads to be better). But from a moderation perspective I also would draw the line far closer to abuse than to shit posting in terms of having moderators get involved, but splitting threads/containing derails is ~fine.

Look, guys, I’m pretty sure that all of the forum wars and shit talking and everything going on ITT could be solved very easily if Mike Pence had the courage.


I re-read the Exiled ban on sight thread and the only person who definitely said ikes was Trolly. Literally, not no on, but also maybe just one?

What is your preferred moderation of posts like this example from nunnehi
  • Do nothing. This is a permissible post.
  • Hide the post, nothing more.
  • Warning that similar posts will lead to a ban
  • Temp-ban for a short period
  • Other

0 voters

ok let’s see where this goes…

and irony. GMAFB. Guys could do me a favor and stay in the damn accounts you’ve been in the past. You lost your shit over two weeks over a 24 hour ban or something. Sad.


Sure but not anymore. Trolley doesn’t want to ban ikes.

The lack of self-awareness is really at the heart of your broken perspective on things. Not 10-minutes before:


Explaining why I have feelings about something is the opposite of a lack of awareness. Feelings you have aren’t right or wrong, what you see is why it bothers me as explained. The question is why do I care? I explained why.

Seeing goofy as harassing you for years like AQ apparently does is just horseshit that they can’t actually explain in any sort of meaningful way. Honestly doubt if they even believe that, and I know I don’t care.


If you don’t care then stop replying and let the thread die like everybody (but you and the people you are replying to) wants! Goofy definitely cares about this less than you or he’d be here replying as there are posts that are clearly directed at HIM

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Ever since he stopped being a mod goofy started attack trolling the same group of people he’d supported bans for. Makes you think!

sorry muk misunderstood ya

Oh no, trolling. Who would do that jal? Not you I’m sure.

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Do you really want me to go back to the beginning?

It was him taking offense to me claiming the dems were the real end boss to progress and that I wasn’t a “true democrat”.

Let me know if you want the receipts.

Max buddy if you just invent whatever you want for me to say you might as well just have the conversation with yourself.

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damn I tried to reread this thread but apparently I’ve been banned from the exiled politics forum.

J Man or Cusefiguring out he still has the power to ban me somewhere:




same energy


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goddamn pro boards exiled politics is rockin tonite


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