About Moderation

Who are you directing this at? Always love articles with no comment in about moderation

Let’s just assume church only posts “constant streams of bullshit”. Who exactly does that hurt here?

Remember nun, whom did he hurt? I recall your lawnmower being in high orbit about him for a while.

@NotBruceZ it’s time to admit you’re @NoMatterWho

Unless it’s Ray Horton in which case I apologize to NBZ

It’s a fair point but nun had a penchant for nonstop personal attacks which church does not.

I also regret and have mentioned i regret that interaction. If i could do it again I would do it differently.

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It‘s a response to

I thought it was obvious.


I don’t know whether churchill posted constant streams of bullshit, I grunched that thread for actionable things related to me, but are you saying that posters who aren’t directly “hurt” by streams of bullshit should not take an interest in the quality of the discourse on the forum? That seems extreme.

Nun is not some victim of the forum. There are hundreds of posts like this

He was the original bully.

he was a voluminous and often times a shit poster, but it’s a stretch and a half to say he hurt anybody; anybody nun “hurt” engaged him willingly, he never did random drivebys of posters

Even advocates for no mods wanted him modded

Using him as an example of a victim is crazy af. He was legit the most abusive poster in the history of UP/EP. I can keep going if you want.

That being said I think they should be allowed to post here and regret saying otherwise.

I won’t speak for everyone, but this shit is personal to me. I already wrote why here:


None of this shit matters. JFC everyone let things go. Start trying to see the best in each other. It’s really not that hard.

Yes, message board ideology sometimes exerts a pressure that causes us to treat others in a way we normally wouldn’t. So fucking what. Be the change you want to see. Realize the characters here are some of the most compassionate, thoughtful versions of whatever box you put them in.

Bring hardcore raves back ffs.


Compassionate and thoughtful aren’t adjectives I can associate with UP no matter how hard I try sadly.

The forum archaeology to find bad posts by people is so dumb. Similar posts can be found of every single poster who has ever posted here or on any forum.

Here is some deep human insight. Everyone loses their cool or acts in a way they wouldn’t normally from time to time. This is only amplified online.


The one bringing up ancient history was smrk fwiw.

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Goofyballer was just better at being an abuser, complete with his pack of flying monkeys (look it up, it’s a term for a phenomenon surrounding expert abusers that applies to many UPers. Super shocked to see Rugby fell for goofy’s abusive shit though)

And some people wage extended, multiyear campaigns of abuse. The guy most skilled at this is now gone, of his own volition, and it’s nicer around here now.


To correct my earlier post micro wasn’t asking for mod action just saying if we needed mod action nun would be the one who needed it in that interaction.

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