About Moderation

It’s entirely possible I was being a dick or something --I honestly don’t remember this. I apologize if that’s the case, you’ve always been a solid poster afaict.


Yes, glad you inserted yourself into a situation you were a major factor in fucking up in the first place only to fuck it up even further.

“Entirely” meaning 100%


Can I ask what specifically that I posted today you disagreed with? I am happy to try to clear anything up or correct a wrong, but it is difficult for me to do so without knowing exactly what you object to.

The thing with AQ was a misunderstanding of wording and context, but that seems to be clear to everyone now. Let’s see if we can figure it out. I am honestly trying to extend an olive branch to you. You are free to take it or ignore it. Either way I’ll be gone again soon.

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D|----------------------------|-------12h14-------12----| x4


E5 D5
Fin - ished with my wo - man 'cause she couldn’t help me

G5 D5 E5 Em7
with my mind

as i’m slowly being able to start to put people on the two different teams, i only have to say…

YALL cats man :roll_eyes:

also, as a hereby declared neutral (i like people on both teams), i’d ask that no one try to put me in this mess based on any hearts i give to posts. a) most of the time i’m not even paying attention to who made the post, i just like it, and b) i’m not gonna start paying attention.

don’t say shit to people you wouldn’t say to them if they were standing in front of you. and from my (admittedly small) knowledge about most of you, you’re either too old or too soft or would have to quickly loosen your tie to do so. be better. all of you. fuck.


like, i seriously just had to ask to not get judged bc of who or what i’m hearting. and meant it! think about that



Not quite, but charming effort mr trust level 0

Right, you never came to your senses

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I served my time and apologized and never brought it up again, we call that ‘adulting’

For being anti-semitic?

I think Rugby handed out the ban, I’m not sure if it’s still something like ‘doubling down on racism’ in the logs, so maybe some people think so, but the person to whom the comments were directed said it wasn’t anti-Semitic.

So maybe, just for your own internal moral compass should you have one, don’t slander me, then again you have so little credibility when you lash out like this that I can only give you an ascii shrug.

Ok, so one person said you weren’t being anti-semitic. Thanks, that helps!

Yeah, the Jewish person who took issue with what I was saying said it wasn’t anti-Semitic, but let’s defer to you and mr trust level 0.

The Jewish person you were attacking?

Yeah? I’ve attacked many Jewish posters I imagine, just not for being Jewish, silly billy.

Except that time you got banned for doubling down on antisemitism, right?

Aren’t we all nakedly aware that sometimes mods make mistakes when they ban people for things, and that the reasons they state can be incorrect?

You think it was a mistake to ban you for doubling down on your antisemitism?