About Moderation

Well to be fair he had followed the horsemen in mod votes and for banning people so he probably expected to be let off.

I think it is a mistake to characterize anything I said as remotely anti-semitic, but banning me for being flippant about a posterā€™s more than legitimate sensitivities when I was correcting the record seems fine?

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Why is your name in grey? You also canā€™t send PMs? What a disgrace, this is a founding member weā€™e talking about here!

You and one other person, right? So thatā€™s two people on this forum who believe that.

I can find 30 people on the forum that think ghetto blaster is nakedly racist, whatā€™s your point exactly?

And thatā€™s why you canā€™t be antisemitic even when you get banned for antisemitism while attacking a Jewish poster?

Where do you see a ā€œcanā€™tā€ there? Is the anger so consuming that you canā€™t read clearly atm? Wipe the blood out of your eyes and try reading:

There is a fact of the matter: whether I said anything anti-Semitic. I donā€™t dispute that there is a fact of the matter, I just think the fact is that I didnā€™t say anything remotely anti-Semitic. I could be wrong, but itā€™s my judgment that Iā€™m not wrong. We have a good example of the capitainissimos going all-in on ā€˜naked racismā€™ being a bullshit charge against my man mr trust level 0 #2, and waging a 2 year forum war over it, so itā€™s just something you might want to consider when you use what mods do as slamdunk evidence.

Youā€™re confusing your false flags, but it must feel great to be part of a crowd who know theyā€™re using a serious issue like racism as a way of falsely attacking people. Well done, proud guy.

I know it will be hard to take this as a serious question, but am I wrong in having the impression that moderation seems to be paused temporarily? If Iā€™m not wrong, is there a reason for that? I am only asking out of curiosity, I swear. Just wonder if I missed something (thereā€™s been a lot of posts, it seems).

Can you pm me your thoughts on this issue? Oh never mind you canā€™t.

The most active moderator has ceased doing any moderating I think would be the cause.

otatop and I are still reviewing flags. CW has taken a few days off I think.

I donā€™t need to, Iā€™ve already told you what people think of you.

Sven has stepped up also! Made his first ever ban. Cheers to many more!

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Finally living up to his Discord promises


Ok my bad. I thought you were saying that the vast majority of the forum considering you to be antisemitic was not something that held any weight with your opinion of yourself.

cheers, thanks

Vast majority? Meh, there were only a few people actively posting about it so I donā€™t know who actually saw it, but vast majorities are not infallible; I take it into account, but alas I still disagree, as did/does the poster I apologized to.

Again, I have already recognized that you and one other person donā€™t think you were anti-semitic in this one instance.

Out of curiousity, how soon after your attack on this Jewish person was it that they agreed be the only person to call you not anti-semitic?

Prosecutor, framing this as ā€œan attack on this Jewish person* (I see now itā€™s ā€˜personā€™ and not ā€˜posterā€™, very nice & subtle shift)ā€ is highly prejudicial. I assume youā€™re trying to bait me into relitigating what was said because you think itā€™s going to make me look really terrible to people who may not be aware of what was said, but as I said then, Iā€™m fine with people reading everything that was said. It should all still be there somewhere in an a locked august 2021 about moderation thread, I assume nothing was edited, I edited nothing. If you want to relitigate, make the first move because I had considered the matter hAnDlEd (too soon?).

I donā€™t remember when the person said they didnā€™t think it was anti-Semitic, nor do I remember being super concerned with the tally of the people who were offended such that I could refute that this person was ā€œthe only person to call you not anti-semiticā€. Also I donā€™t know anything about this ā€œagreementā€ business, are you saying that this person ā€˜agreedā€™ to something they didnā€™t believe? Bad on them?