About Moderation

I don’t recall “be kind” ever made it into the new mod rules. Can’t be because banning people for months would itself be in breach of such a rule.

Goodyballer compiled a list of “inactive” users that contained his forum enemies and @Trolly , while dozens of inactive users escaped this list

This list was banned

Meb says he and he alone controlled all actions, with no input from goofyballer or anyone else

When I say this is a lie, Nononocantsleep defends him by saying Meb had nothing to do with the ban list

I think it’d be more productive to not lose your shit about being able to post online for a day or so honestly.

Like @otatop banned me for a day for a post that was up less than 30 seconds that I had already deleted on my own. Do I have any hard feelings about it? Nah, my point was made and I probably deserved it before then.

What I didn’t do was coming back under 10 or so accounts just to start shit about something as minor as a short ban from a forum. That would have been embarrassing if I had done that.


Meb is talking about HIS UP BAN LIST. This isn’t hard.

Nono with the big score:

Look gfy was telling Josh who to ban in Discord. Meb’s posting about who he planned to ban for 10 years and subsequently lying about it and anonymising a bunch of other people was completely separate!

@goofyballer how is me showing @Temporary and @Nononocantsleep how much you’ve lied to and manipulated them, supposed to be me believing there’s a conspiracy against me

Nono has it right. meb had nothing to do with discord removal. Goofy had nothing to do with meb’s mod actions here. They are two entirely separate things.

This is what I’ve been talking about the entire time. You can track it yourself.


See how it says Discord.

I’ve not been talking about Meb’s UP ban list.

There isn’t a lie in there as near as I can tell. meb had nothing to do with discord removals. goofy and the person who actually runs/owns the discord(who is not meb or goofy) did that to the best of my knowledge.


It’s always so hard to decide who to believe in situations like this, the people who actually have access to the information being discussed or people making wild assumptions from drips and drops leaked to them.

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Also the discord works not just because of shared purpose but because it is a benevolent dictatorship. I give money to it every month but don’t have any ownership interest in it. I don’t have any say in how it operates other than i can ask the person who runs it if I want or need something.

Part of the failure here is precisely because this place runs as the opposite of that. People feel like they have ownership in it and so instead of enjoying it for what it is there is a constant need by both sides to reshape what UP is in their own image. Both sides feel entitled to that and it’s not a situation where it is realistically feasible to please everyone.


I’m going to attempt to clear this up. The first statement about goofy putting together a list of users was about the discord. The second part of the statement was regarding the people banned on UP. I can see how the wording may have been confusing, especially if not read in the context of what I was replying to. Sorry for the confusion and I hope that clears it up.


Suspended @MaxCut 1 day for poking at/trolling about old drama for this reference to something from April 2021.

Suspended @MaxCutGimmick forever for circumventing a ban to post, and suspended @MaxCut two more days in accordance with the escalating ban policy for circumventing his ban to stir up more drama and telling me to suck his balls.

Suspended @MaxCut for four days for a personal attack (co-signing telling otatop “Fuck yourself you fascist pig.”)

Suspended @MaxCutAlt forever for circumventing his ban, and adding 1 week to the 4-day ban of @MaxCut for circumventing it.

Suspended @MaxCutAntifa forever for circumventing his ban again, adding 2 weeks to the previous suspension of @MaxCut for circumventing it/personal attacks:


Edit on 11/29: Suspended @MaxCutNoMalarkey forever for circumventing his ban again. Granting some leniency this time since there were no personal attacks with it and his main account is already suspended until 12/22 as the result of six incidents of personal attacks/trolling/old drama and four ban circumventions (@MaxCutGimmick @MaxCutAlt @MaxCutAntifa @MaxCutNoMalarkey) and I am really hoping he will knock it off with the ban circumvention and personal attacks and return on 12/22 without further incident. Edit, 12/1: Deleted another new account circumventing the ban. Edit, 12/2: Deleted another new account circumventing the ban.

Edit, 12/3: Suspended another one forever for circumventing. Choosing to be charitable and not taking any additional action on now the 7th circumvention of this ban. Edit, 12/3 again: Suspended another one forever, registered a new one to PM me to complain about the previous one. Again, charitably not extending the original suspension but warned him that enough was enough. Edit, 12/3 again: Alright, enough’s enough. Permanently suspended @MaxCut_4thAmendment. He’s now circumvented the ban nine times, most to stir up more drama. I gave him four or five freebies but this can’t go on forever, and this is the third time today . Adding one month to the original suspension.

Edit, 12/4: Deleted new user @MaxCutLikes and blocked his IP, as he created 3 new usernames in the last 32 minutes on top of his previous 9? 10? circumventions and a couple other accounts he created in the last few days but didn’t use. I’ll undo the IP ban when his normal ban subsides.

Like what the fuck dude? And you came back after that.

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At some point i pointed out how trolly was taking info from there (yuge loss shorting APE at $20) and using it to troll me here.

I never asked for anyone to be removed but i think several people had similar complaints. I don’t think anyone was removed from either side who had actually participated at all in the previous few months in the Discord.

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I am here 100% of my own accord. And I meant to come in here in goodwill to attempt to help clear up some things today, specifically the part with victor that I contributed to. I am happy to answer anything else honestly, if I can help with anything. If you believe that I am lying about anything, please state exactly what part so I can clarify. I can assure you I am not here to intentionally lie about anything.

I specifically want to state again to AQ that I would not lie to you about anything, whether today or in any communication we have after today.

Are you confusing me with someone else here? I don’t remember this at all. I lurked around the Discord once in a blue moon out of curiosity.

The truth about this is I was always considering you as part of the list but I really didn’t want to. The PM was me attempting to win you over. I went back and forth on this, which is why you weren’t on the list in the discord, then were on the list that I sent to other mods, then again didn’t actually get banned.

Apparently it’s something you’re incapable of doing. Also hearty lol at you being any sort of rebel.

Possibly. It’s been so long ago now I may be misremembering. I don’t have any hard feelings or anything about it anyways.


Wait are you not? You being fifteen would explain things, but also raise more questions.