About Moderation

The “no mods” guys sure have come down hard on the side of wanting aggressive moderation as of late.



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Don’t attack the mental health of my friends maybe.

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The truth is that he handed you a list and you executed it, no questions asked. But at least you’ve already moved past your “I received no input from anyone” lie of minutes ago.

Describing someone who routinely lashes out wildly and behaves erratically as unstable isn’t attacking their mental health, it’s describing their actions and personality. Easily losing their shit online isn’t in the DSM-V… yet.


You clearly demonstrate an understanding of what’s going on around you

Temporary had nothing to do with “executing any list” compiled by Goofyballer. These are two separate groups you’re talking about - those removed from Discord due to inactivity and Meb’s list of intended bans for UP.

Generally the only UP-centric conversation on Discord is our once-monthly collective morning about the nonsensical conflict here.

… in 2006.

Ok, my bad, Goofy came up with the list and banned them from the discord on his own. He did not run the list by Meb even though Meb just said he did, right after Meb said Goofy does not and never did run the discord in any way, and that Meb alone runs and owns the discord and has never received input from anyone on how to run it, or let anyone else perform such actions.

@Temporary do you see how @Nononocantsleep just proved you were lying, in the post where you pretended to be honest with me?

You are extremely confused. Temporary has no Discord admin powers. He did not say Goofy “ran the list by him,” and those are still two separate groups of people you are conflating into one.

@Nononocantsleep maybe you’re starting to see that viewing everything from the POV @goofyballer designed for you tends to give a far from accurate picture about the disfunction here

@Temporary was it @goofyballer who told you to come here today and perform this spectacle?

What rule are you referring to?

Read for comprehension rather than indignation. I guess I have to keep repeating this, but there are still two clearly different groups of people here

  1. The group of people removed from Discord (not by Temporary).
  2. The people on UP that Temporary publicly stated he was going to ban on UP when he ran for moderator.

Ain’t nobody bounce around from ‘CW is the worst mod ever’ to ‘Do what CW said’ faster than Jal. Almost like he’s here to troll everyone constantly.

It’s always been about consistency. But you know that really.

jal & co. are just demonstrating how to be kind by constantly implying there’s a hierarchy among the mods.

What rules of CW have been enforced over the past few days? Because it’s none of them, and you’ve asked for moderation of only a specific group of people… repeatedly. Jal, I’m disappointed. Usually your trolling is a little more subtle.

Hits a little too close to home?