About Moderation

There was some screenshot of it from Goof Baller’s private discord, I don’t know where it was or if it’s still up here. Ask one of the crypto bros for more details, this is my recollection of events and I could care less if I’ve convinced fucken ikes or not. But that’s why victor was mad, because he didn’t feel like part of the community that he had donated money to and was now threatening him with a 20 year long ban. It’s mostly irrelevant if meb was actually planning on banning victor, he’ll never say and that’s what vic’s state of mind was at the time.

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Yeah, apparently he thinks the correct play was for Vic to wait and join the site the New Captains are setting up under a different screen name, cuz that’s like totally legit.


How many more years will it take before you get over it?

You don’t get to delete your posts and redefine reality unilaterally. This little game is tired, and boring. Come up with actual evidence to support your assertion and then people can judge.

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I’m just saying this is my recollection. I have zero interest in trying to convince you of anything, so won’t be responding to your demands for EVIDENCE. This is my recollection, people with more knowledge or direct involvement can comment on it if they like. Toodles!

“easiest permaban ever”

He’s probably just pointing out that your crew didn’t show him the same charity that you’re capable of with welshing. Capable of showing certain people anyway, who knows what you’d say if a Forum Enemy of yours used the phrase.

Hey all, former UP mod here. Created this account for today, and then plan to not login again going forward. I have not had another account here since I left, and have only occasionally lurked when I was alerted to something here. The recent issues were mentioned briefly in the discord and I read up a little on what has been going on, and felt that I could help clear up a few things. That is my only goal in temporarily coming back here. Please do not see anything I do as being on one side or another, and I will answer any questions you have for the day with 100% honesty from my end. I will not try to answer anything regarding someone else’s actions as I think part of the problem is that we assume what someone else’s intentions are without knowing what they are truly thinking.

My main motivation in posting is to clear up the questions about victor. It is true that victor was on a list of posters I said I was going to ban if made a mod. This list was posted in the discord. I naively thought of this as humorous at the time, not realizing how deep the divisions had become and how many people were on a side so to speak. I was incorrectly assuming that most people just wanted the division to stop. This was never coordinated with anyone else and was simply an idea I came up with on my own. The intent of the bans was not to be vindictive, but to try to make a point and hopefully bring people together to either accept that anyone made a mod on the site had the full authority to do what they wanted, or to bring people together to create a clear set of guidelines for how the site should be run. This obviously didn’t work. Maybe it would have worked better if I had banned everyone I originally planned to and didn’t whittle down the list. Maybe it would have ended the same. Who knows? The only thing I can confirm for you all is that the decision to change my original list was also naively 100% my own and not coordinated with anyone else.

As for why victor was included. I had known victor as a poster for a lot of years dating back to 2+2, although not having any personal connection to him. At the time, I viewed his posting on UP as being very toxic to the the site, but also to himself personally. I tend to take people at face value, and the posts he was making seemed like that of someone who was only getting negative things out of his participation here. So I viewed banning him as being a positive both for the site and for him personally. When he brought up the donations he made to the site, I felt bad about that part. Not going to attempt to dig up old posts, but that is why you saw me make every effort to get his donations refunded and promised I would find a way to do so. Without any interaction from me, GB stepped up and offered to send the money to be returned to him.

The last thing I’ll tell you all is that not being here on a daily basis and not seeing the negativity here has been an improvement. I’ve advised people from “both sides” since I’ve left that if this site isn’t a net positive for you, you should just leave it behind. If you all want to actually find a way forward, I suggest complete honesty with each other about all prior actions taken against each other in this feud, an opportunity to ask for forgiveness, and definitely delete this stupid AM thread that is the source of 90% of the arguments here.

Wishing you all the best to end the year well and have a great new year. I’ll take a look in here the rest of today to answer any questions you have and then will leave this place behind again.

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Do you think my summary was more or less accurate?

The threatened bans were 10 years, and I assumed would be clear to all that they were being done to make a point.

I really didn’t think about the factor of prior donations made to the site until victor brought them up, and I understood him wanting them back. If I recall correctly, victor stated that he wanted his account deleted or anonymized and his donations back. I think this was before I was aware that he had known about what was posted in the discord. So I was posting publicly with spider to attempt to get him his money back and spider wasn’t certain how to do so. GB offered in that thread to cover the cost of refunding the money to victor. Like I said, I will not attempt to analyze the motivations of others.

I assumed the point you were making was that it’s dumb to not let moderators permaban posters. Is that correct?

The point was that there should either be a set limit to how long a mod can ban a poster for, or an acceptance that we are trusting anyone in that position to set the length at their judgement. I would have been happy with either, but just wanted the argument about limitations to mod powers that didn’t actually exist to be put to rest.

And the way to do that was promise to ban people from both sides for 10 years during the election? And then renege on that and only ban posters from one side once you ascended to moderator?

Like I said, that was a decision made 100% by me and was completely naive. I probably should have banned CN and jbro too like I originally planned to, and maybe it would have increased the likelihood of things working out the way I wanted to. We’ll never know though. Obviously the way I did it didn’t work well at all.

Right your buddies in Goof Baller’s discord didn’t give you any guidance when you were sharing your plans with them over there? Guess we’ll have to just take your word for it.

I wish you were able to remember that during your time as a mod. I attempted to remind you that goal many times, but you just remembered the desire to ban users.

Glad to hear you’re doing better and agree on your “net positive” realization.

Best to you too.

Despite your last phrase, I do hope you come back here. You were a great poster IMO.


FYI, the discord is not GB’s. No guidance was ever given to me by anyone, and there’s enough people with access to the discord on “both sides” that would call me out if I were lying about that.

Funny enough there continues to be plenty of people on “both sides” participating there in peace.

I can and do interact with almost everyone here without conflict. I think most people can. There’s a small number of people on both sides mostly interested in forum war games. Like I can’t and for the most part won’t interact with Goof Baller for this reason, see above for a good illustration of this phenomenon.

There has been a total lack of bangers lately.