About Moderation

Man I waste way to much time here and even I don’t get all oblique little snipes the users take at each other.

How it started
UP: Vigorous Debate and a little bit of fun.

How it’s going
UP: and

Anyway thanks for confirming that goofy went and whined to you about this

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Because that would require aggressive ignorance of the timeline of events


No one whined to me about anything.


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As far as Victor “scamming” goes, this is my recollection:

  1. Meb very strongly hinted that upon his glorious ascension to mod he was going to ban Vic
  2. Vic is understandably upset and wants his donations to the site back, saying he’ll leave preemptively if it’s refunded
  3. spidercrab as treasurer is very reluctant to do this, understandably.
  4. Goof Baller gleefully steps in and volunteers to pay vic 90 bucks if he’ll leave

So its a gross situation all around. Goof Baller paying a Forum Enemy to leave, meb threatening 20 year bans on someone who donated money to the site and feels increasingly alienated from it. I’ll not say that Victor Did Nothing Wrong but plenty of others look really bad here. You too, you’re basically saying that Goof Baller didn’t get his money’s worth when he paid his Forum Enemy to leave.

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You might want to reconsider your use of this racist term


Legitimately had no idea of the word’s origin.


Same thing happened to me with gyp/gypped, I think I didn’t figure it out until my late twenties.

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I really love the maneuver of “delete account” followed by “returning” and “attempt to rewrite what I said and did”. Classic stuff at this point.


Despicable, mask off.

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Also, it wasn’t a bet. Goof Baller paid Vic 90 dollars, his donations to the site, to leave. Remember this was right before meb was about to ascend to his glorious modship and ban Victors and a few others.

Victor demanded to leave, and demanded to have his 90 dollars back because he wanted to leave. Feel free to actually cite anything else otherwise.

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Because meb was about to ban him for 20 years!!!

yeah lets be honest that dude getting paid to leave, and of course, not capable of doing it was one of the funniest things to happen here since… “not resonating”. GB should demand his $90 back.


No. Feel free to cite otherwise.

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Also, let’s take a moment to remember how jalfrezi and most of y’all (who supposedly don’t want moderation) voted for meb thinking that it would result in me being banned and then lost their shit when it didn’t go that way. That was really fucking funny.


That’s fairly ironic considering I was labelled a racist for using ghetto blaster